Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Some open letters

Elle Ma Dit by Mika, and anything by Coeur de Pirate

You're welcome.

Now, onto business. I have some messages I need to get out.

Dear Marisa,
I miss talking to you, and I'm sorry I've been too busy to check blogger to see what you've posted. Your insight and ramblings always amuse me.

Dear thegirllikeme,
Please resume posting the plot summaries of OTWAD since you have officially quit writing. I have that unfulfilled feeling in my stomach every time I remember that OTWAD once existed as my favorite in progress fanfic.

Dear Madam (insert my french teacher's name here),
Merci pour etre supercool! J'adore votre classe car j'apprends beacoup, mais je suis amusee a le meme temps. Toujours quand nous apprenons novelles choses de les pays francais, je veux aller MAINTENENT =)

Dear mom,
Thank you for making dinner.

Dear who ever is in charge of the world,
Thanks for sending me a good reassurance after I began to crumble earlier. I don't know who you are, or if you are a who, or if you even exist, but thanks anyways.

Dear self,
Just ask him.

Dear Wednesday,
Please stop imitating Thursday so well.

Dear AP Econ,
Please don't crush me when I take my test tomorrow. I have the nervous energy of someone who is completely unsure about if she will do really well or really bad, but knows that there won't be any inbetween.

Dear AP Lit teacher,
Thanks to you, I think I will likely remember Hamlet horribly, even though I'm actually finding that I enjoy it.

Dear Shakespeare,
Hamlet is THIRTY? Is that what all thirty year olds were like? Hamlet seems like a moody teenager in the middle of his emo phase. Also, I don't like the misogyny in your plays, but all things considered, at least it's a realistic representation of how women were treated back in the day.

Dear NaNoWriMo,
I think I need to rename you NaNoWriSatSunMo (Nation Novel Writing on Saturday and Sunday month). I appologise, but school and other things limit my time. My goal is to get between 20k and 30k by the end of the month. But I promise to work my butt off during thanksgiving.

Dear Blog Post Reader,
This is a secret embedded note to say thank you for actually reading everything. Please describe what you would do if given access to a giant toy store for a day without any rules. It'll be our little joke ;)

Dear Starbucks,
I love your hot chocolate, but sadly, it does not remain hot by the time that I have gotten over my spirit crushing problems of the day. If you could fix that, that would be lovely.

Dear Niki,
We set a date to hang out, and I forgot it... But I would like to hang out before christmas. We could go christmas shopping together? In the city? Does Chicago have a tree during Christmas time like NYC has? I think a giant decorated tree would be something to behold.

Dear Jeans,
Please magically grow in the middle of the night in a manner that allows me to feel skinny again.

Dear PE,
I thought it would suck to be back with you, but I'm really loving health club days on tuesdays and thursdays. I could run for an hour... The heart rate monitor really helps too, because I realize now that the reason I used to quit so much when I would start up running for a bit was that I was working too hard. Baby steps. Baby steps. Also, I love archery <3

Dear Pauline,
I have some great ideas for your Christmas present. GREAT. IDEAS.

Dear Everyone Who Contributed to this Thread,
You guys had me laughing so much. And I think that I am somewhere in the middle of how I would want to be asked out (based on the descriptions that came up in the middle of the thread, that I am, right now, too lazy to search for), all of the ones that seem like proposals, or that involve other people totally scare me, but the ones that are still private and while being sweet and fun seem very nice =)

Dear HPFF,
Thank you so much for letting Polychromatic get reposted.

Dear school program started today,
I promise I will be the bestest driver possible from now until May... Now how about rigging that system to make sure I am one of the people to win a car? ;)

Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek