Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm baaaaaaaack


Yes she did, and she did so to inform you that she is failing a little bit. But to keep things positive for a little bit, here is some good news:

-I have in fact, practiced for one hour today!

Now, because I don't have that much good news, here is the not so good stuff:

-I haven't even touched a fair shmuck of my homework that's do tomorrow
-I haven't studied at all for my History test tomorrow
-And I have not touched Hero at Hogwarts

Oh and then of course, we have the to do list that I was given today by my father (to be completed before my mother gets home at around 6:15):

1) Clean kitchen
  • Status: Incomplete, and I actually decided I needed to make brownies, and added to the mess
2) Clean up the yard (ie: pick up dog droppings)
  • I'm kinda putting this one off for as long as possible
3) Do my homework
  • We already discussed this one didn't we?
4) Pick up my room (ie: get trash out of room)
  • I can put this one off for quite a bit, because all it entails is taking about 6 things in my room and throwing them out, then pushing things to the side.
As you can see, I am not doing so hot at all with this list thingy. But you know what, at least I'm making brownies... although making brownies is supposed to be a reward... But you know what, just let me have this one, please??


1) Turn in all late homework
  • Reward if turned in by Thursday, January 28th - peace of mind
  • Punishment if turned in later than Monday, February 1st - fear of being grounded
2) Get a 4 on the AP US History exam
  • Reward and punishment to be determined at a later date
3) Practice a total of 5 hours this week
  • Reward: starbucks =)
  • Punishment: No laptop for a day
4) Finish writing episode of Hero at Hogwarts
  • Reward if finished before Monday, February 1st - Brownies!
  • Punishment if incomplete on Sunday, February 7th - Courtney has decided on no pizza. Which is actually a huge motivator
Alright. That's all folks!
-Jess the nerdfighting band geek

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Here it goes again - Ok Go

Alrighty. Let's go!

So I've kept about 3 different blogs at three different times. One I stopped because I realized that it couldn't be that private with my parents reading. The second is what I'm going to simply call a mass of different blogs that I kept with my friends that all ultimately failed within a few weeks. The third is my livejournal, which I haven't touched since getting my laptop back after being grounded.

I'm not going to do that for this blog though.

See, this blog is gonna be more of a motivation type thing more than anything else. You know how people on diets keep online food logs (which I think is a bit creepy) keeping track of calories eaten, burned, ect? Well think of this sorta like that, except I have no ambition whatsoever to get healthy.

My plan is to simply track some goals, and come up with a reward/punishment system suited to those goals. I think it's gonna be a good way to get me to do some things that I really do mean to do, but never get around to because I'm an internet addict.

So with this in mind, here are my goals as of January 24, 2009 at 7:30 pm

1) Turn in all late homework
  • Reward if turned in by Thursday, January 28th - peace of mind
  • Punishment if turned in later than Monday, February 1st - fear of being grounded
2) Get a 4 on the AP US History exam
  • Reward and punishment to be determined at a later date
3) Practice a total of 5 hours this week
  • Reward: starbucks =)
  • Punishment: No laptop for a day
4) Finish writing episode of Hero at Hogwarts
  • Reward if finished before Monday, February 1st - Brownies!
  • Punishment if incomplete on Sunday, February 7th - Courtney will figure something out lol

I know that it's kinda short, but the thing is that these are things I'm really focused on at the moment. It will get longer as long term things come to mind.

Oh wait, one more thing:

  • Reward: Accomplishing goals
  • Punishment: Yet again giving up something because you're too lazy
See you soon!
- Jess the nerdfighting band geek