Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Apparently I AM an angsty teenager. How normal of me.

I'm making this whole not posting thing a real bad habit aren't I?

I'm planning on working on that. I mean, to be posting right now, I had to dig out my keyboard.

Oh computer issues. Right, so as I've stated previously here, the keyboard on my laptop likes to act up maybe once a day. Well now it's a helluva lot worse. So if I want to really type anything I have to plug in this really old keyboard we have to one of the USB ports. Now second, there is the issue of my power cord, which decided to stop charging my laptop. So now I can only charge it when my mom is home (because she takes her cord and laptop to work), and I'm probably not going to be able to bring my laptop to Texas, which is a COMPLETE bummer, because I'm going to need to import a lot of video footage onto my external hard drive.

You know, this week overall has me just stressed to the point that if I were to actually give in and cry or something stupid and cliche like that, I might not stop. And if that ain't a cliche if I've ever seen one...

First of all, it's the week of Christmas, which I haven't been able to properly celebrate with snow in three years, or even a TREE in two years. Never mind that there isn't as much goodies this year because of buying a house and all, because it's enough Christmas to make me very happy. But school has to go and ruin it. I have had finals all this week. Monday was three exams, one was really hard, and the two were just enough to make me insanely annoyed. Today I had my two hardest exams on the same freaking day.

And of course that is just the begining of issues with these past seven days. I keep getting those exams back, and none of the hard ones that I actually put a bit of effort into amount into anything higher than a C. I hate finals. They don't weigh enough to actually get you anywhere further in the class, making it really hard for me to want to study, but then they're worth just enough to bring down your entire grade. And I've never had an issue with finals before, because they've never been demanding or bitchy or painstakingly saddening before. I want to stab finals a la River Tam.

And then this week brought news about one of my friends just augh. I won't get into it, but it's really upsetting, and for now I've just been acting like I don't know anything and going along with it when what I really want to do is just shove them or something else stupid and wreckless that would get me nowhere. Not that I even can anyways. And other friends being stupid, I know it's really just bad timing on my part that I can't ever get one of my friends when they aren't busy, but you'd think they might try to make the effort to contact me as well. Because goddam it, I've needed that person a lot recently and they've been a no show.

Oh and just some added cake toppers... I had to get a Tdap today because my school was going to kick me out if I wasn't properly immunized and blah blah blah. My dad and I were supposed to go and get my mom a gift today, as well as giving me the opportunity to get my friends some gifts. But that got screwed over today, and tomorrow being the last day I'd see non-Texas trip people until January 7th, it means I can't get sweets to pass out or anything...

Oh and break, may I just mention another reason my history teacher boils my blood (not that I'm sure I've actually mentioned anything before on here, but that needs to be a post on its own once I know for sure I won't ever have to see him again against my will): He is the only teacher I had that gave homework over break, and he gave quite a lot of it. Which only stresses me out because I'm only really getting a week of Break with Texas and.


You know, I was gonna talk about nice things today. Or just ramble on like I usually do. I mean, I have quite a lot to say about Firefly, having just watched all of it and the movie in the last week (actually, I just finished the movie and popped around the net for about 15 minutes before stopping here). And talk about how I now am unsure about whether I want to date or be River Tam, or Kaylee. Because those two are just... Words can't describe it. If only the characters were real people... Actually no, the implications of that are a bit much.

Oh and I'm going to lick Courtney on camera when we're at sea world. If I achieve anything, it must be that. Good thing she doesn't read this, now don't tell please *shhh*

Admittedly, this will probably be my last post until I get back from Texas. Although if I get a power cord for Christmas I will at least keep track of things on the trip for y'all. You deserve it if you've read this far (leave a comment with the word quintessential to prove you've read this far through all of my crap, and get a virtual Christmas cookie - Complete with sprinkles!)

Have a happy Christmas, eat lots of real cookies, and enjoy your time with your family!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

1 comment:

anne said...

Have fun in Texas! Sorry nothing is perfecto but it makes the good things stand out :D

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