Right, so here it goes.
I have deleted the goals on the side of the page (which were pathetic, and I barely updated anyways), and instead replaced it with links to me elsewhere on the internet. Notice the shiny new goal blog!
You may not have read that far back, but this blog actually used to be a goal blog, until about halfway through March when I wrote "not my idea", which was the last post that referenced any goals. This goal blog is going to be very different from when this was a goal blog, so check it out if you're interested, and then tell me I'm mad.
A goal that I have that has nothing to do with the goal blog is just to keep updating this blog. At least weekly. Last year I wrote over 70 posts, which is crazy and amazing, but most of the lackluster comes from the end of the year when I barely posted at all. This needs to be a fixed. And I don't want to just update about myself. I want to DO something. Problem is I have no idea what to blog about. So topics be needed, or ideas of something to do (like try a recipe or take pictures or something). Because I think writing about just yourself all the time can't be super amazing to read unless you're close friends who don't talk much or something.
Oh and speaking of that, I am either going to publicly post the email I use for this, or make a new email that I can be contacted at. This will probably help with the whole wanting to have proper conversations with any of you that have commented before without having to figure out elaborate neopets schemes. So once I figure out which of those I am doing, I will have a new post that will also give out the email.
Also, I've been kind of sucking at the whole keeping up and commenting on blogs that I follow thing... Yeah, hopefully gonna work on that.
So either all of this will get accomplished or I will continue to be lazy. Let's hope for the former!
Back to refreshing HPFF for the new Once There Was A Darkness Chapter to be posted today.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: Have any of you played munchkin before? We used to play it all the time during GT classes in 8th grade and I am going to be using the money my grandma gave be for christmas to buy a copy for myself, but I don't know which version to get. I'm between Star Munchkin, Munchkin Impossible or the original Munchkin. I might be getting a copy as soon as today, so anything you can put in would be lovely. Thanks!
1 comment:
I do not know what Munchkin is.
I have been posting very little in the last few months also. This is a problem.
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