Sunday, May 30, 2010


I'm packing up at the moment... Sort of.

By packing up at the moment, I mean multitasking with organizing my closet for pack out on Tuesday. And by multitasking, I mean there is a large amount of stuff leaking out of my closet, and of my two huge bags, there is just a little space taken up by a stack of my pants. I still have to figure out shirts, and books.

Books are the worst part of this. Our stuff isn't going to get to Chicago until a month after we leave, so I have to figure out what books to read. I have a stack of books I still need to read, and then there's Harry Potter, which my mom said she would try reading (FINALLY!), and that's seven books. And knowing my mother in a nearly empty house with only the TV, she will probably make it through quite a few, so I have no idea how many to bring. Then I was thinking of bringing The Host as well as my stack, because I haven't reread that in a while. Of course, the stack of books I have yet to read is pretty huge:
  • Anthem by Ayn Rand
  • Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
  • Nightlight by The Harvard Lampoon
  • Take Me There by Susane Colasanti
  • Sea Change by Aimee Friedman
  • Emma by Jane Austen
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • First Aid by Janet Davey
So I have to figure out which of those I'm taking

I also have to figure out stuffed animals (it may not seem important to you, but this is monumental for me. My teddy bear Michael is coming, no question, but then I have several webkinz (I don't go online, just liked the animals) of sentimental value that I'm not sure if I should bring. They are a dog, an owl (I named him Pig hehe), an elephant (Elvendork, notice my Harry Potter theme?), and a racoon.

And I need to consolidate the music I think I will need into one binder to take with me, and bring my mouthpieces and servicing things because I don't want to loose them. And I need to figure out if my baby blanket will fit, what DVDs to bring.

I really should be packing, shouldn't I?
-Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek


Niki said...

I haves some advice for you!

You should bring Nightlight, 'cuz it's funny, and Wuthering Heights, because I'm going to try to read that again this summer. I tried last year but had no idea of what'd happened...

~Niki :)

Jess said...

Dear Jess the Nerdfighting Band Geek. I was commenting on Kristina Horner's last post and noticed your awesome name. I am also a Jess who is a nerdfighting band geek. So Hi Jess the Nerdfighting Band Geek!

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