Like US history for example. The AP exam is Friday. And I was going to study my butt off today, but I started to, and realized it was pointless, I was over history at this point, and I probably won't get much else in my head. So I probably should be studying right now, but I'm not, because I just am not.
In other ways though, I really shouldn't give up.
I've been putting off something all week. I tell my friends to make them make me do said thing, and it ends with me crying. Today, I would have done it at recess, but I lost my nerve. And I just keep talking myself out of it because of some small little thing. Not this time. I'm doing it tomorrow morning. End. Of. Story. Hopefully...
I have a concert next week, that I'm rather excited/nervous for. I haven't practiced nearly enough, but it's my official debut as a horn player, and possibly my last high school performance as a principal tuba player. Then the weekend after that, is the band banquet. I don't think I'm getting anything that is student voted for, but I can't help but hope I get one of the teacher decided things, because I actually have worked my butt off this year.
Other news:
My friend's baby brother was born today! And she got named godmother. He's absolutely adorable, and I'm thinking of visiting this weekend since her mom invited me. I've never seen a newborn in real life. I always get to meet them when they hit the terrible two's -_-
I'm reading though Calvin and Hobbes online, and it's just wonderful. It makes me smile =)
And that's about it for my other news.
So finally, I'm doing my persuasive speech tomorrow for English on why dogs are better than cats. So I figure you should get to see my visuals (which I was going to just copy and paste, but I can't make it work, so you'll just have to look at the links):
Gonna go put those pics in a ppt, and maybe do some chem before I go ZZZzzzZZZ.
See ya round!
-Jess the Nerdfighting Band Geek
PS: I almost forgot, but charlieissocoollike on youtube posted a video for a song called Chemical Love, that is just hilarious. So link here:
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