Saturday, August 27, 2011

Insert title here

So I got a free, month long hulu plus membership (it's going to start charging my card if I don't cancel by Sep 25th, so someone needs to remind me, I'm bound to forget), and I've been using it to catch up on bones, because all of the sudden (I have no memory as to how I found this out) Brennan got pregnant, and her and Booth are a freaking couple. HOW DID I MISS THIS.

This is why you stick with a show, no matter how crappy it is getting. The episodes leading up to that plot point have been excellent. I quit just when it started getting good again. Lesson learned. Season seven will probably be much more like season three. That was a beautiful season... *sigh*

School is going... well... it's going?

I like AP econ, the teacher is funny, the topic isn't my cuppa tea, but it's relatively easy. Way less homework than I've had in a SS class for ages.

English is just dull. No way around it. My teacher is very judgmental, and I'm questioning if I'm willing to actually take this AP test. The problem is that it actually would be a good class to have for college, because I would be getting out of a class by passing. We already had a timed writing on Thursday. I will trudge through this hell.

I am loving music theory. It's making me think, but it's not hard (thus far). Next we're doing rhythm, which will be easy, and then chords. It's going to be really easy for me to pass with an A, because we get to turn in assignments until we get them right. And so far all of my corrections have been right on the first go. I definitely am going for the right major.

My study hall sucks. I don't need an applied arts class (long, but wonderfully happy story that perhaps I can go over tomorrow), so I'm in a study hall until October. I love my French teacher, but she has the worst study hall in the world.

Band is band. We're marching, which I like/dislike. (side bar: people keep complaining to me about not playing sousa. I keep feeling more and more guilty and like I made the worst decision ever. It would be easier if people would just shut up about how much better I'd do than Sam. I'm going to strangle the next person who complains to me.*) I'm excited to start my lessons again. We got the jazz band audition music as well, and it's really easy, so I'm excited. Auditions are on the fifth, and then rehearsals should be every Monday after that. Just a few months to concert band #mantras.

I am continually surprised at how much I know in French. The class is just in French (or at least, Madam is really trying to make it that way), and I'm understanding almost everything. I really just think it's vocabulary building that I need to work on. And then the AP test now includes culture, so we'll be learning lots about that. A-flash-carding we go!

Calc is easy so far. We're doing a chapter that we covered last year. What's pissing me off is that my dad can't do his college algebra homework on his own. Or work his graphing calculator... I've gotten through a lot of math without his help, so I really wish he didn't need mine.

Actually, I'm way closer to a degree than my dad is right now. I'm a year ahead of him in math. We've taken the same level English classes. I've got more social science classes than him. And I know more French than he knows Spanish (he started a week ago, which I obviously did not). It's kind of weird.

I feel like talking more, but I have nothing else really to say.

I'm going to go watch another episode of bones before I go to sleep.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

*I wasn't sure about doing a sidebar to a side bar, but I should at least mention, that one thing that's actually justifying my decision to not play sousa is that my shoulder has been killing me lately. I think I really should get a new backpack with better padding. Of course, I think the real reason it started up again was because all summer I was over stuffing my shoulder bag with homework and books I was reading nearly everywhere I went. Either way, my shoulder hurts.

PS: TV is starting soon! But I need to get the dates for when everything starts. And rewatch some fringe before I start the new season. And watch more heroes, and doctor who... So much television, so little time.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


The status I posted:
I started my butler application. It's going swimmingly. Of course, all I've really answered is where I live and my name and phone number, but it's a start!

What Ian thought I said:

lol i thought it said " i started my butter application. I'm going swimming" lmao

I can't stop laughing when I look at it. I might be too tired to be filling out an application.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Last First Day of School

Today was my first day of school.

At my school, the first day is basically a whirlwind of 15 minute classes, and freshmen who don't know where to go clogging the hallways.

So here was my day at school:

AP Econ:
Approx class size: 20 students. Turn in summer homework, chat about how it's most of the class's first AP class. Then talk amongst friends. There are five kids in band in my class, which is wonderful, because I am sitting next to Pauline. Last year, I didn't have friends in Social Studies until nearly halfway through the year.

AP Lit:
Approx class size: 35 students (all seats full). We filled out contact/about you notecards for our teacher. Summer homework was not collected. Teacher spent the majority of the class just talking about life and stuff. Nobody I was friends with in AP English last year is in my class.

AP Music Theory:
Approx class size: 3 in AP, 15-20ish in MT I (all seats full). Yes, so the teacher took attendance, thuroughly confused me by not calling my name, and then he informed me there was another sheet for AP kids. Up until that point, I thought there were really that many kids in AP MT xD He's a really funny guy. And I really want to know what class is going to be like with the two simultaneous classes going on.

Individual Sports:
Approx class size: doesn't matter. I had the teacher sign my exemption form. Tomorrow I will turn it into the counselor and enroll in foods I.

Band! (two periods):
Approx class size: 130 students (we doubled and barely have enough space in our room!). Since we had a half hour, Ms E actually got a lot done. We have two days this week before a parade on Saturday. We haven't practiced parade marching at all. Oh boy.

AP French:
Approx class size: 15 students. I think that after a couple weeks, we will be expected to parler francais seulement pour l'anne. Je vais mourir! Also, everything is to be typed. I don't know how to insert the accent marks (which is why that probably won't work in a translator if you try it) in a word document, nor how to switch the language to french (so that the whole doc isn't underlined in red). We were given our first assignment, due on Monday that we will be working on in class all week. We were informed that we must purchase a $40 book for the class. Outlook not good.

AP Calc BC:
Approx class size: 20 students. The teacher is hilarious, and was unable to take attendance because he talked for too long. This will definitely be a fun class. And unlike last year, I have an established acquaintance going into the class. My friend Kendra's friend who I have met once before is in the class, and she didn't seem to have any friends in the class either.

And then after dinner, I went to Walmart to buy school supplies. I now posses three beautiful binders that I will most definitely be investing the time in making a good cover to go in the slip... Particularly considering all of them but my french binder are pure white and of the same size.

Tomorrow will be interesting to say the least. I'm definitely going to get pulled out of class by my counselor at some point during the day, and I have so much to do in the morning that I'm not sure I'll get it all done (get a signature from the athletic's department then drop off the form in the counselor's office, drop off my instrument and music, and drop of my binders). There's a good chance I will have to wait to drop off the binders until after 1st period. I might even be lucky to get the athletic director's signature... Arg =/

That's all folks
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: Marisa, I replied about the summer homework on my last proper post.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm very pissed off right now, so I'm just going to make this message clear.

If I have made no indication that I want you to know about this place, because I want some of my own damn privacy, then please FUCK OFF.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Current Status

AP Econ: just needs to be printed out =)

AP French: I read the first, and longest passage. I will pretend I didn't think we were supposed to actually do the last activity, because I like my sanity. Three passages to go

AP English: I've looked up spark notes. I'm still trying to figure out how exactly you annotate a book. Estimation that this will take eight hours to read and annotate. This is the max estimation, just in case.

When I will be waking up: 5:35
When I will go back to sleep: 6:10
When I will wake up again: 8:00
When I will be at the library: 9:00-11:30
When I will eat lunch: 11:45ish-12:30ish
When I will have my tuba lesson: 1:00-1:30
When I will be at the library: 2:00-6:30
When I will pick up my mom: 7:00
When I will eat: Sometime after 7:00
When I will be done with summer homework: ???

See you on the other side!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Another Post Today

Ah, no reason at all for two posts in a day, but you know what, I'm gonna roll with it.

So I did a little bit of work, and I know it's going to bite me in the ass later, but tomorrow I'm going to be in the library for about ten hours, so I figure I'll get to make it up later. Plus I feel like starting to read catch 22 just because I want to, so I probably will tonight. Really, I would have started reading it days ago if I didn't have to annotate (see: has never annotated an English book before).

Anyways, I was reading through a QA Ally Carter did in the comments section of one of her blog posts, and it reminded me of something I figured out a few days ago.

See, I've been sort of picking at writing this one story for a while. The problem was that I couldn't figure out what to do with it. I had two clear characters, one, a girl who has parents that work for a university and considers herself to have been an "alone child" (basically, though she may not be able to declare it as such, she snubbed all of her peers at a young age simply because she thought she was smarter -very true, and overall just better than them -not very true), and the other, a rich girl with an abusive father who has rebelling against the conforms of her world for a very long time.

The story, as it had been written, centered around their meeting around the age of ten and becoming friends. Then it was to be alternating chapters, Mina (the alone girl) telling the story of what was going on before she jumped in front of a bullet to save her friend who had less reason to be alive, and Chastity telling the story after Mina jumps, explaining the repercussions, until finally, with both characters perspectives finally in place, the story of that day is retold.

Now, I tend to write best when there is introspection involved. In fact, all of the fanfics I've finished ever (ie: the oneshots I've written), are focused on introspection. I generally suck at plot. But it hit me a few days ago that there was a plot, and I just hadn't found it yet. Right now, I have about fifteen pages of introspection with very little plot or dialogue or interaction whatsoever. I've been showing an internal monologue, not telling a story.

But anyways, all that build up was to basically say that the plot has hit me in the face like a fish, and I will now be rewriting everything, and hopefully I will actually be interested to see where it goes this time. And no, I will not tell you the plot. I will only tell you that the characters remain the same, and the structure of the story (back and forth, past and present) will still exist... I think.

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Attack of the Spaz

I still have homework to do, and if it were truly up to me, I would have been at the library a half hour ago, because I have real issues with focusing while I'm at home, because I associate home with relaxation and the internet and heroes marathons... The problem is that we don't have any food in my house, so my mom went to the grocery store an hour ago... and still isn't back. My food is going to take sixteen minutes to cook, not including preheating time, then I need to eat and pack up all of my stuff to go to the library. By the time I get there it will probably be 2:30, only leaving me 3:30 hours to work when I could have had five. And I don't have any money, so I can't go hang out at starbucks. I've actually way overspent and dipped into my savings this allowance period, because the borders by my house was closing, so I spent $40 on books there, plus almost $20 to get a copy of Catch 22 so I wouldn't have to read Pride and Prejudice... Not to mention I spent a fair chunk of my money buying lunch during band camp and seeing harry potter again with Justin. So basically right now I'm stressed. I have to finish four more chapters of econ, do all my french, do all my english. I'm going to get through all of my econ today no matter what, and hopefully half of my french. Then I have my mom's car tomorrow and tuesday, so after I drop my mom off I'm going to go straight to the library, stay there until about one, then go get lunch somewhere and stay there as long as I can before going home. Two days straight. Hopefully I won't have to pull an all nighter tuesday, because even with school only being about ten minutes per class (basically meet your teacher, get your seat, and get a syllabus), I want to be alert. And I have to talk to the councellor too so that I can get put into foods I straight away so that I actually graduate...


Okay, I'm done. And I apologize for the length of that paragraph. I need to get back into the groove of regular blogging, because when I don't, this all gets stuck in my head.

Also, Marisa made me think about school supplies, so here is my tentative school supply list:

~5 two inch binders (one per AP class)
~1 one inch binder (for foods)
~A few folders (one for extra handouts, then you never know when else you'll need a folder)
~A new box of crayons (I used them a lot in Euro, and now they are very dull, so I need a new pack... maybe 96? =D)
~A hole punch (because some teachers don't hole punch, and I need my binders)
~A new box of pencils (I had a box of about a hundred that lasted me two and a half years, but I killed it at the end of last year)
~A pack of loose leaf paper
~A pack of loose leaf graphing paper
~five spirals (one for every AP class except calc, and one for doodles. But not any big ones, because it's inevitable that I'll run out of paper, and I'd rather not be wasteful)
~Some of those tab post it notes for annotations

I can't wait to go shopping.

And it's nearly two and my mom isn't back yet. I'd skip lunch, but I didn't eat breakfast, and my tummy is rumbling. WHY?????

Okay, I'm done
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Senior year

The fact that I am going to be a senior is hitting me like crazy right now.

Senior photos, college applications, college essays, homework that I have only a week and a half left to do, senior lunch option, band camp, not being able to get a parking pass, looking for audition music... All of these things just made it hit me that I will be a senior in just ten days.

I don't want to take senior photos. I hate photos, but I have to because it's for the stupid year book. I like it better when I can just sit, get my pic for the yearbook, then go eat lunch.

College applications and essays are just honestly scaring me right now. When am I going to have time to do them? What do I talk about in those essays? Who am I gonna use for recommendations? AHH!

Homework status: halfway through econ book and questions. Still need to do rest of econ, four passages of french, and read and annotate a book for English with a review. Ten days left. My goal is to finish econ today. Although I might do french instead...

Senior lunch option costs 25 dollars. There will be no point though, because I have no way to leave school, and I won't even be able to use it until marching season is over in October.

Band camp was just madness. Half our band is freshman (total band size, 130 students. We no longer fit easily into the band room). At the part at the college in Wisconsin for three days, every single senior had fits of "I'm never going to do this again" that I didn't experience, because it was only my second time at camp, and I'd basically wiped my first experience out of my head (because it was simply bad). They had all the seniors take a picture together before we left. On the way back home, all of the seniors on my bus sat in the back and talked about how weird it was to be seniors now.

I can't get a parking pass, because my dad says that $150 and random drug testing in order to be able to take one car (the pass is a sticker) to school on rare occasions (I would have to get the car from my mom) is ridiculous. I do see the random drug testing as a bit of a stretch, but there really are days that having a car would make my life way easier. I have to stay after school a lot simply because I wouldn't be able to get a ride back for jazz band or extra marching rehearsal or winter guard. Also, there is no point to having senior lunch option if I can't go anywhere, because all of my friends are gonna be sophmores, so I'd have no one else to swindle into doing SLO with me on random days.

And then audition music. Some schools start auditions in December, others don't start until March... And yet they already want you to start scheduling them NOW. That's just hella scary. I haven't even looked at any audition music. I'm still trying to figure out what they want you to audition on. =/

So there is the stress that begins senior year. This year is going to take forever.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Friday, August 5, 2011


Hey you, person who is reading this.

Today may not be the best day. Today may have been the most tiring day you've had in ages. Today you may have heard the worst news ever. Maybe everything is catching up to you today.

Well you know what? When I feel that way I need someone to tell me that everything is gonna be okay.

So here it goes.

Everything is going to be okay, you have people in your life that love you and can take care of you. The glass is half full, the sun will come up tomorrow, and eventually all that is bad in the world will be the past. So crash on the bed and cry, take a breath, and just remember everything is gonna be okay =)

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek