Sunday, August 14, 2011

Attack of the Spaz

I still have homework to do, and if it were truly up to me, I would have been at the library a half hour ago, because I have real issues with focusing while I'm at home, because I associate home with relaxation and the internet and heroes marathons... The problem is that we don't have any food in my house, so my mom went to the grocery store an hour ago... and still isn't back. My food is going to take sixteen minutes to cook, not including preheating time, then I need to eat and pack up all of my stuff to go to the library. By the time I get there it will probably be 2:30, only leaving me 3:30 hours to work when I could have had five. And I don't have any money, so I can't go hang out at starbucks. I've actually way overspent and dipped into my savings this allowance period, because the borders by my house was closing, so I spent $40 on books there, plus almost $20 to get a copy of Catch 22 so I wouldn't have to read Pride and Prejudice... Not to mention I spent a fair chunk of my money buying lunch during band camp and seeing harry potter again with Justin. So basically right now I'm stressed. I have to finish four more chapters of econ, do all my french, do all my english. I'm going to get through all of my econ today no matter what, and hopefully half of my french. Then I have my mom's car tomorrow and tuesday, so after I drop my mom off I'm going to go straight to the library, stay there until about one, then go get lunch somewhere and stay there as long as I can before going home. Two days straight. Hopefully I won't have to pull an all nighter tuesday, because even with school only being about ten minutes per class (basically meet your teacher, get your seat, and get a syllabus), I want to be alert. And I have to talk to the councellor too so that I can get put into foods I straight away so that I actually graduate...


Okay, I'm done. And I apologize for the length of that paragraph. I need to get back into the groove of regular blogging, because when I don't, this all gets stuck in my head.

Also, Marisa made me think about school supplies, so here is my tentative school supply list:

~5 two inch binders (one per AP class)
~1 one inch binder (for foods)
~A few folders (one for extra handouts, then you never know when else you'll need a folder)
~A new box of crayons (I used them a lot in Euro, and now they are very dull, so I need a new pack... maybe 96? =D)
~A hole punch (because some teachers don't hole punch, and I need my binders)
~A new box of pencils (I had a box of about a hundred that lasted me two and a half years, but I killed it at the end of last year)
~A pack of loose leaf paper
~A pack of loose leaf graphing paper
~five spirals (one for every AP class except calc, and one for doodles. But not any big ones, because it's inevitable that I'll run out of paper, and I'd rather not be wasteful)
~Some of those tab post it notes for annotations

I can't wait to go shopping.

And it's nearly two and my mom isn't back yet. I'd skip lunch, but I didn't eat breakfast, and my tummy is rumbling. WHY?????

Okay, I'm done
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek


Niki said...

Catch-22?! I'm in the middle of reading that like right now! ohmahgahd I like it sooooo much!

Marisa said...

God, your life sounds hectic. You're going to go crazy at the end of the year when you have to take all of those AP tests...our school doesn't offer Econ or French.
Also, I wish I was dedicated enough to have my own three hole punch and keep everything in binders. Instead all of the covers of my notebooks end up being held on by paper clips and staples.

Jessamyn said...

I am going to be studying all year, so hopefully my six AP tests don't kill me.

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