Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Plastic surgery is a must for comedic purposes

I am stressed. And I feel like being an emo kid and just say "no one will ever be as stressed as I am right now" but I know that's a lie, so I'm just going to say I'm stressed and leave it at that. Actually, I'll give a good basis for stress focus. My upper back hurts like hell.

In other news...

There's this inside joke my friends and I have about AP cookies, so we finally made them. Except then I just had to make harry potter:

As you can see, harry potter got plastic surgery that failed epically.

But what was really funny about the cookie was when Courtney and I were walking back from Kat's with the cookie, and I was trying to protect it to show my other friend Ashley. It of course started raining very soon after Court and I left Kat's house. So being me and awesome, I realized the solution was to protect the cookie in my jacket. I hilariously walked across the street with my body facing away from the rain and towards all the cars. Then, once we were finally under cover from the rain, I pull the cookie out from under my jacket and Harry has a slight mustache from some fibers of my jacket. And of course, that wasn't even half of what happened, but I realize this is already a really long paragraph, and I missed a lot of the stuff I meant to say about it already xD

My week is as follows:

Wednesday: I'm going to go to see the marine's silent drill team at 6:30, and if the world loves me (which it doesn't), I'm going to go see Alice in Wonderland with Kat and Courtney.
Thursday: Going to the mall with Courtney, Lauren, Kat(?), Ashley, Corey, and Will after school. I'm really hoping this breaks out into a game of hide and go seek like the trip to the mall did at the end of last year's finals.
Friday: Courtney's last day =( Me, Ashley, Lauren, and Courtney are going bowling. And then we'll probably just end up doing other stupid stuff since bowling is expensive. I'm going to miss her =(

Then after that is spring break. Which will most likely be lousy.


1) Find a Cheap PS2
  • Definitely haven't done anything towards this yet. One day is not enough time to start something like this haha.
2) Finish my secret project
  • The secret project is coming along quite secretly. I started getting what I needed today, and I'll get the bulk of what I need tomorrow, and then Thursday night I'm going to hack out everything so I can give it to Courtney on Friday.
3) Write crossover fanfiction about Eric Foreman, who went through a shit load of plastic surgery (it appears this is a common trend with fictional characters lately isn't it?)
  • If I have time I'll be doing this Thursday night as well so I can print it out to give Courtney something to do on the plane.
4) Get a wallet.
  • I have no idea when I'm going to be doing this. I'm going to talk to my mom about using some of the rest of my birthday book money on a wallet.
Well I must go. I checked, and I have a 77% in my English class, and there's no more work we're going to get, but I can bring it up to a B if I turn in one of the essays I didn't do.

Hope you had a nice day!
~Jess the Nerdfighting Band Geek

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