Monday, March 8, 2010

Where'd She Go?

So I started a blog. It was going to motivate me to stop being a lazy ass and do my homework, clean my room, and keep my promises.

Yeah like that was going to happen.

Being the lazy person that I am, I got lazy about going to a website to physically log in, and then type up my goals. Which really defeats the purpose of this blog. This leads to my decision to reform the blog. It's still going to be about my goals, but this time, they will be fun goals! Because I just do not do good with goals to do my homework and other stuff. Actually, I don't do good with my goals of those types that I might end up getting a D in U.S. this time round. And I'm in AP! *le sigh*

So I come bearing some new goals, which I think are goals that I am way more likely to achieve.

1) Find a cheap PS2, set it up with my tv in the garage, and then play DDR until I pass out from heat exhaustion. You see, we used to have a PS2, and almost every day you could find me playing DDR. In fact, I played DDR so much that I not only was good at it, but I broke so many mats my parents just decided to get me a metal one. We still have that metal mat, and it has an XBOX and a PS2 output. And neither works with our Wii, PS3, or XBOX 360.

2) Finish my secret project. I'd tell you more, but it's going to remain a secret until Friday when I give it to Courtney. She knows of its existence, and probably has a pretty good idea of what it is, but I'd like it to be as secretive as possible, as it is her going away present.

3) Write my crossover fanfiction for House and That 70s show about Eric Foreman. Tonight just made this goal pretty awesome too, because Donna (ok, the actress who played her if you're gonna be specific) was on house last night. I mean, Eric wasn't, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna involve it in the fanfic.

4) The final one for tonight: Get a wallet. I lost mine about three weeks ago at the movies. I still have yet to get a new ID, and I only just got a replacement Visa card. Oh, and then I have no idea if they will take my school ID with my visa card since I don't have a military one. Augh!

Alrighty. I gotta go, because I have to finish some History homework... and it's 9:40 the night before it's due. Yeah, like I said, I'm LAZY! (and that just made me want to write out LAZY BOY FURNITURE, because I am just awesome like that).

~Jess the Nerdfighting Band Geek

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