I feel like being an oldschool livejournal* person. SO LET'S GO!
1. Do you like blue cheese?
I think purple cheese does better.
2. Have you ever smoked?
Yup, by this point I have become a chain smoker at 16 yrs and have emphysema. It goes quite nicely with being a tuba player.
3. Do you own a gun?
I hope to soon posses my very own portal gun. However, the current price is $60, and I am a teenager, who has to pay for a lot of her own things, so perhaps once I can find a used copy of portal 2 at gamestop, it will be MINE.
4. What is your favourite cordial flavour?
I am quite partial to caviar. Having never tasted it, I thought this would the simplest answer. Because who doesn't like FISH eggs to go with their fancy party clothes?
5. Do you get nervous before Doctor appointments?
Yeah, I'm worried they'll figure out that I absorbed my twin in utero, and she's still in there hanging out.
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
They should get them some fans. SAVE THE HOT DOGS!
7. Favourite Christmas moive?
I'm quite fond of the star wars holiday special.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
I start every morning with a bottle of sulfuric acid. It does great things for my teeth =)
9. Do you do push-ups?
No, but push-up, really like doing Jess's as a part of his daily exercise routine.
10.What’s you favourite piece of jewellery?
I have a bracelet completely made of magma. It stings a little bit.
11. Favourite hobby?
Setting up traps for the children who refuse to get off of my lawn. Little Susie never came back after she lost her arm.
12. Do you have A.D.D?
I'd like to think not, but then... well what if every one has ADD but you, then do you have some weird disease, or maybe...
13. What’s the one thing you hate about yourself?
I was not awesome enough to write an awesome book like Maureen Johnson, and give it away for free electronically here, and here, and HERE.
14. Middle name?
Something related to water**
15.Name three thoughts at this exact moment?
Do murdered squirrels make for good smoothies? My blanket likes to eat my books. Is that Peter PAN??
16.Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
Sulfuric acid, murdered squirrel juice, and water.
17. Current worry?
That the police will find it.
18. Current hate right now?
That Lord Voldemort was better at hate than I am.
19. Favourite place to be?
I hear that Jupiter is quite pleasant this time of year.
20.How do you ring in the new year?
I pass out doggie condoms.
21.Where would you like to go?
To check on the vampire.
22.Name three people who will complete this?
Bob, Bobby, and Carl.
23.Do you own slipper?
Yeah, it makes going across halls much more interesting with all of the falling.
24. What colour shirt are you wearing right now?
Science seems to decide I am wearing an absence of color. So I must be naked.
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
I prefer sheets made of concrete.
26. Can you whistle?
Yeah, but I need to find the whistle first.
27. Favourite Colour?
That shade of green people turn right before they throw up.
28. Could you be a pirate?
Sure. I could be anything really.
29.What songs do you sing in the shower?
Hot cross buns, and the ten coolest things about new jersey by the Bloodhound Gang
30.Favouite girls name?
31. Favourite boys name?
Larry 2.0
32.What’s in your pocket right now?
Why it's my... wait, OH S*** IT GOT OUT!
33. Last thing that made you laugh?
the square root of eleven.
34. Best bed sheets as a child?
I had a wonderful concrete bedsheet set as a child, but alas, we were parted too soon.
35.Worst injury you have ever had?
I accidentally amputated my stomach.
36. Do you love where you live?
It will do for now while I reorganize the troops.
37. How many TV’s do you have in your house?
Enough to keep watch.
38. Who is your loudest friend?
I think it's Hillary, but her tongue has been gone for a while.
39. How many dogs do you have?
How many dogs DON'T I have?
40. Does someone have a crush on you?
I don't feel like there's a crush on me, but I'll come back to you
41.What book are you reading at the moment?
I'm currently alternating between Hop on Pop, and the Art of War.
42.What’s your favourite candy?
I do favor lemon drops.
43.What’s your favourite sports team?
I'm always a fan of the local underwater hockey team.
44.What song do you want played at your funeral?
What will it mater? When I die, there will be no one left to turn on the CD player.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
*Actually, it's more like myspace, but whatevz.
**this one is actually true
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
BEDA? Day 18? Maybe?
My mind never shuts up.
I mean, I suppose most people's mind's don't shut up, because supposedly we have three thoughts ever second, and all that jazz, but I think my mind doesn't shut up in a very different way than most people's.
For one, I can, let's say get assigned an interesting paper, and then think about it for hours until I can finally get home, but in the meantime I also have songs stuck in my head and wants and needs and everything up in there, overlapping all at once. It get's pretty intense, which is almost entirely why I write.
That was probably far more round about than I intended it to be. I write because things are stuck in my head that don't get out until I put it down. I generally share things that aren't stories on my blog, and then stories just get spread all over the place - assuming I think it's worth anything.
Writing doesn't need to be about being pretty, or describing things in intense details. I think if that's your goal in writing, you're doing something wrong. Writing is about spreading your ideas and getting a message across. Of course there are various frilly ways of getting to it, but that's not the point. The point is the message. Plain and simple.
In English class, we talk about voice a lot. We're all different, so how we write should be different. I doubt anybody writes like I do. I ramble, and when I don't ramble it still has that rambling essence. My sentences run on for hours. Nothing ever comes back to where it seems like it should. This is simply how I think, and I think that's voice. Voice is what you think, and writing is what you think, and it all is a message somehow.
I tend to write stories that pick at one detail over and over. I always can see one detail affecting everything in a story. My favorite story that I wrote like this was just about a coat. I was watching Fringe, and my dad pointed out that the lead character was keeping her coat on all the time, to near insane degrees. That stuck with me until I went insane with it.
It's not exactly like I think that purchasing a gallon of milk is going to impact the world, but I think little things speak the most about people.
I have a friend who obsessively wears converse shoes. She wants to work in international affairs, is exceedingly sarcastic, and is incredibly bright even while blonde. The converse shoes have very little to do with that personality but without them she wouldn't be exactly herself. She wears those converse shoes out in marching band, where they fall apart because of roll stepping. She is the reason I bought my own pair of plaid converse, and they are my favorite pair of shoes.
I have a friend who almost always wore her backpack backwards. She's quiet, and always willing to take in someone's perspective while giving her own, without being judgemental. She had straight A's last year while having the craziest schedule in the world for a sophomore. Again, the backpack has little to do with any of her personality or work ethic, yet it is intangibly tied to that. She wore her backpack that way so she could eat during recess and lunch last year while we all walked everywhere. She shared with us a lot, tried to make us healthier people (and failed spectacularly as far as I'm concerned). That backpack is so little of her but it means so much.
Putting the little pieces of the picture together are a huge part of writing for me. Rambling incoherently while still somehow making sense is writing for me. Writing is sharing an idea, story or thought with the world and watching it fly.
And that's about as simple as I can make it.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: This is actually my rough rough rough draft for my English essay. We don't actually have the specific points for the essay, but she told us it's a nearly free range essay about writing. So I wrote this for you guys, and I will proceed to edit it in the coming weeks so that it can hit the point I need it to be. So like always, here are all of my incoherent random thoughts.
PPS: Yeah, BEDA FAIL! We'll figure that out later...
I mean, I suppose most people's mind's don't shut up, because supposedly we have three thoughts ever second, and all that jazz, but I think my mind doesn't shut up in a very different way than most people's.
For one, I can, let's say get assigned an interesting paper, and then think about it for hours until I can finally get home, but in the meantime I also have songs stuck in my head and wants and needs and everything up in there, overlapping all at once. It get's pretty intense, which is almost entirely why I write.
That was probably far more round about than I intended it to be. I write because things are stuck in my head that don't get out until I put it down. I generally share things that aren't stories on my blog, and then stories just get spread all over the place - assuming I think it's worth anything.
Writing doesn't need to be about being pretty, or describing things in intense details. I think if that's your goal in writing, you're doing something wrong. Writing is about spreading your ideas and getting a message across. Of course there are various frilly ways of getting to it, but that's not the point. The point is the message. Plain and simple.
In English class, we talk about voice a lot. We're all different, so how we write should be different. I doubt anybody writes like I do. I ramble, and when I don't ramble it still has that rambling essence. My sentences run on for hours. Nothing ever comes back to where it seems like it should. This is simply how I think, and I think that's voice. Voice is what you think, and writing is what you think, and it all is a message somehow.
I tend to write stories that pick at one detail over and over. I always can see one detail affecting everything in a story. My favorite story that I wrote like this was just about a coat. I was watching Fringe, and my dad pointed out that the lead character was keeping her coat on all the time, to near insane degrees. That stuck with me until I went insane with it.
It's not exactly like I think that purchasing a gallon of milk is going to impact the world, but I think little things speak the most about people.
I have a friend who obsessively wears converse shoes. She wants to work in international affairs, is exceedingly sarcastic, and is incredibly bright even while blonde. The converse shoes have very little to do with that personality but without them she wouldn't be exactly herself. She wears those converse shoes out in marching band, where they fall apart because of roll stepping. She is the reason I bought my own pair of plaid converse, and they are my favorite pair of shoes.
I have a friend who almost always wore her backpack backwards. She's quiet, and always willing to take in someone's perspective while giving her own, without being judgemental. She had straight A's last year while having the craziest schedule in the world for a sophomore. Again, the backpack has little to do with any of her personality or work ethic, yet it is intangibly tied to that. She wore her backpack that way so she could eat during recess and lunch last year while we all walked everywhere. She shared with us a lot, tried to make us healthier people (and failed spectacularly as far as I'm concerned). That backpack is so little of her but it means so much.
Putting the little pieces of the picture together are a huge part of writing for me. Rambling incoherently while still somehow making sense is writing for me. Writing is sharing an idea, story or thought with the world and watching it fly.
And that's about as simple as I can make it.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: This is actually my rough rough rough draft for my English essay. We don't actually have the specific points for the essay, but she told us it's a nearly free range essay about writing. So I wrote this for you guys, and I will proceed to edit it in the coming weeks so that it can hit the point I need it to be. So like always, here are all of my incoherent random thoughts.
PPS: Yeah, BEDA FAIL! We'll figure that out later...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
BEDA day thirteen
Today was one of those days that was just horrible, yet somehow wonderful at the same time.
First and foremost, I really need to say that I have awesome friends. Truly amazing wonderful friends. They're the type of friends who make themselves nearly late to class for your sake, or hound you with a hug you weren't expecting at all, or talk about how they would have done way worse in your situation. These are the friends I love.
Sometimes I don't think I convey how much I love my friends. I have gotten into all sorts of messy spats with people, but the ones that last are just... I'd basically do anything for my friends. I feel like just for making me giggle every day, or give me a person to hug, or talk to, or print leadership applications... well they deserve the world.
Now why my day was down the shitter.
I still am keeping with my whole, I will not go into details about why I really don't like my history teacher until I'm done with his class, because one, that is a huge mess of a thing to get into and two, I am still taking his class, and I must grudgingly respect that.
Anyways, my history teachers passed back essays. Not everyone's essays, but mine was in the slush pile, and I got mine back. At first I saw that I got a two. I didn't think clearly and my mind went to two out of nine, which is how AP essays are graded. But then I decided to turn it over, and I realized he hadn't GRADED three of my essays, and that grade was a 2/35. I searched through the stapled packet, and lo and behold, three of my essays were missing. I went up to him, told him what he did, and he said he didn't have it.
Just saying that much is placing blame on me. He didn't say first that he would check, he said that afterwards, by the time that I'd started crying. I woke up at THREE in the morning to write those three essays after having taken a practice AP English test the day before, which included three other essays that I wrote! Yes, maybe I don't turn in things sometimes, and I haven't shown up for any of the morning reviews for the AP exam (I barely get enough sleep as it is), but I have not ONCE ever claimed that he didn't grade something I "turned in". I man up to my fuck ups, which I think is a lot more than can be said for him at that moment. I know that I don't turn stuff in. I carry that stuff with me, and don't try and scapegoat out of it. I may be a crappy student, but I'm a good person!
Then he lets me just cry at my desk for five minutes. We had a DBQ outline to do after that with the last twenty minutes, and when I first got it, I was SO tempted to rip it up, throw it in the trash and walk out. But no, I did it, and I didn't cuss him out in my outline like I wanted after that either. I did the goddam DBQ, and he still doesn't at the very least CHECK for my paper. No, not until I turn in my stupid outline, and he tells me to look through my stuff, does he look through the stack. And then he says that he doesn't have it again.
Admittedly, this is where I look bad, and I'm not denying it. I'm pretty sure I dropped an F bomb while telling my friends what was going on when the bell rang. And I was loud and angry and crying and there were Freshmen walking in. And then I go up to my teacher, tell him that I really don't have it but I TURNED IT IN.
Then he finds it. He stapled it to someone else's things.
At this point I just walked out.
My physics teacher let me just sit there with my head on the desk while everyone was being productive. So props to her. A lot of people complain about her, but I think she's a good teacher and people are just judging her based on an unfair grading scale made by the science department, and the fact that they aren't learning because they aren't paying attention. And I'd pretty much figured out what we were doing yesterday, so it's not an issue for me either that I wasn't doing anything.
Reasons today would have been wonderful otherwise:
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
First and foremost, I really need to say that I have awesome friends. Truly amazing wonderful friends. They're the type of friends who make themselves nearly late to class for your sake, or hound you with a hug you weren't expecting at all, or talk about how they would have done way worse in your situation. These are the friends I love.
Sometimes I don't think I convey how much I love my friends. I have gotten into all sorts of messy spats with people, but the ones that last are just... I'd basically do anything for my friends. I feel like just for making me giggle every day, or give me a person to hug, or talk to, or print leadership applications... well they deserve the world.
Now why my day was down the shitter.
I still am keeping with my whole, I will not go into details about why I really don't like my history teacher until I'm done with his class, because one, that is a huge mess of a thing to get into and two, I am still taking his class, and I must grudgingly respect that.
Anyways, my history teachers passed back essays. Not everyone's essays, but mine was in the slush pile, and I got mine back. At first I saw that I got a two. I didn't think clearly and my mind went to two out of nine, which is how AP essays are graded. But then I decided to turn it over, and I realized he hadn't GRADED three of my essays, and that grade was a 2/35. I searched through the stapled packet, and lo and behold, three of my essays were missing. I went up to him, told him what he did, and he said he didn't have it.
Just saying that much is placing blame on me. He didn't say first that he would check, he said that afterwards, by the time that I'd started crying. I woke up at THREE in the morning to write those three essays after having taken a practice AP English test the day before, which included three other essays that I wrote! Yes, maybe I don't turn in things sometimes, and I haven't shown up for any of the morning reviews for the AP exam (I barely get enough sleep as it is), but I have not ONCE ever claimed that he didn't grade something I "turned in". I man up to my fuck ups, which I think is a lot more than can be said for him at that moment. I know that I don't turn stuff in. I carry that stuff with me, and don't try and scapegoat out of it. I may be a crappy student, but I'm a good person!
Then he lets me just cry at my desk for five minutes. We had a DBQ outline to do after that with the last twenty minutes, and when I first got it, I was SO tempted to rip it up, throw it in the trash and walk out. But no, I did it, and I didn't cuss him out in my outline like I wanted after that either. I did the goddam DBQ, and he still doesn't at the very least CHECK for my paper. No, not until I turn in my stupid outline, and he tells me to look through my stuff, does he look through the stack. And then he says that he doesn't have it again.
Admittedly, this is where I look bad, and I'm not denying it. I'm pretty sure I dropped an F bomb while telling my friends what was going on when the bell rang. And I was loud and angry and crying and there were Freshmen walking in. And then I go up to my teacher, tell him that I really don't have it but I TURNED IT IN.
Then he finds it. He stapled it to someone else's things.
At this point I just walked out.
My physics teacher let me just sit there with my head on the desk while everyone was being productive. So props to her. A lot of people complain about her, but I think she's a good teacher and people are just judging her based on an unfair grading scale made by the science department, and the fact that they aren't learning because they aren't paying attention. And I'd pretty much figured out what we were doing yesterday, so it's not an issue for me either that I wasn't doing anything.
Reasons today would have been wonderful otherwise:
- One of those days where there is just enough learning mixed with relaxation.
- I convinced my health teacher to let me work on other things while there was group project work time (I am a singleton). I worked on math, not because it was due anytime soon, but because I wanted to do it.
- Pizza party during math. I got three slices, and saved the money I would have had to spend on lunch =)
- To finish off all involving math (although this came much later than 3rd period), I finished my math packet entirely after school, so that means tomorrow I can study for my history test.
- In English we kept talking about the book One Writer's Beginning by Eudora Welty, which I am completely enjoying.
- I got to sit next to Rachael during concert band.
- We got a lot of work done during honors band.
- We have "made a breakthrough" in my private lesson's stylistically. It was kind of freaking epic awesomesauce =)
- I played DDR to curve my frustrations. Will probably do so tomorrow. So I guess I'm starting to work on getting rid of all that stress fat I've gained? (which is actually about ten pounds scarily enough. Food needs to stop being so good).
- TOMORROW is my first day of drum major clinics. Je suis trop excitee!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
BEDA day twelve
Ah, sorry, but I must quickly bring up more glee. The bell at my school plays music for three minutes, and today it was only playing Glee. 'Twas wonderful.
I have four glasses of water in my room. One of them is from waking up at three thirty in the morning so unbearably thirsty that I ran downstairs, chugged a glass, refilled it, brought it upstairs, and promptly passed out again.
Sunday is one of my free days until the AP test... I think. I have no idea what I will be doing. A day of freedom seems laughably insane. I mean, I could... well basically just chill 'round the intwebz, but still!
It's eight and I'm tired. That's just sad.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: this is the part of BEDA where everything is boring, isn't it?
I have four glasses of water in my room. One of them is from waking up at three thirty in the morning so unbearably thirsty that I ran downstairs, chugged a glass, refilled it, brought it upstairs, and promptly passed out again.
Sunday is one of my free days until the AP test... I think. I have no idea what I will be doing. A day of freedom seems laughably insane. I mean, I could... well basically just chill 'round the intwebz, but still!
It's eight and I'm tired. That's just sad.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: this is the part of BEDA where everything is boring, isn't it?
Monday, April 11, 2011
BEDA day eleven
I wrote three essays today, did 14 calc problems, and made around thirty flashcards.
I'm taking a break
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
I'm taking a break
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Sunday, April 10, 2011
BEDA day ten
So I am going to busy for the whole rest of the day, and because of that, I am writing my blog NOW.
I'm going to be leaving around 12:30 to go take a practice AP English exam. Then I will come home, and write three history essays (I have the theses for them, I just need to... you know, do that thing where your write in support of your thesis).
Anyways, this is what I am wearing today to go take my AP Composition practice exam:
Are you in love?

But in seriousness, I'm just trying to be comfortable! Really, my dad should not have as big of an issue with all of this as he does. Not to mention it is laundry day, and I like it when all of my jeans get... laundered?
I definitely need to get some more shorts and capri's and skirts and stuff, because Illinois seems to have finally decided that it is spring as of yesterday, and now it is at a high of 82 today, and yesterday was 70. So more clothes shopping?
I have already designated a clothes shopping day that will be two weekends from now, because that is the only weekend I have until after AP tests that is completely open. I will be getting my prom dress and shoes for that dress and summery clothes and more socks. I really need socks.
I also want to be outside right now, but I can't because I only have a half hour before I need to leave and then I need to write and then the weather says it is going to rain on and off all week =/
Have a great Sunday guys
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
I'm going to be leaving around 12:30 to go take a practice AP English exam. Then I will come home, and write three history essays (I have the theses for them, I just need to... you know, do that thing where your write in support of your thesis).
Anyways, this is what I am wearing today to go take my AP Composition practice exam:
Are you in love?

But in seriousness, I'm just trying to be comfortable! Really, my dad should not have as big of an issue with all of this as he does. Not to mention it is laundry day, and I like it when all of my jeans get... laundered?
I definitely need to get some more shorts and capri's and skirts and stuff, because Illinois seems to have finally decided that it is spring as of yesterday, and now it is at a high of 82 today, and yesterday was 70. So more clothes shopping?
I have already designated a clothes shopping day that will be two weekends from now, because that is the only weekend I have until after AP tests that is completely open. I will be getting my prom dress and shoes for that dress and summery clothes and more socks. I really need socks.
I also want to be outside right now, but I can't because I only have a half hour before I need to leave and then I need to write and then the weather says it is going to rain on and off all week =/
Have a great Sunday guys
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Saturday, April 9, 2011
BEDA day nine
I promise today will have no mention of glee outside of this sentence.
Alright, that said, I went to a baseball game, White Sox vs Rays. Oh Em Gee. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!
This has been my first in person baseball game that I've seen in three years and it was just about the best game to go to and we were right behind home plate and this guy did the splits to make a catch and there was a freaking awesome play that had all the bases loaded and
We had to run to get to the train. WAY. WORTH. IT.
Also, this: http://www.lovecalculator.com/
I have 1% Compatibility with Luna Lovegood
86% with Ronald Weasley
and, sadly, only 12% with "Your MOM"... But that didn't stop her in bed last night ;)
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Alright, that said, I went to a baseball game, White Sox vs Rays. Oh Em Gee. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!
This has been my first in person baseball game that I've seen in three years and it was just about the best game to go to and we were right behind home plate and this guy did the splits to make a catch and there was a freaking awesome play that had all the bases loaded and
We had to run to get to the train. WAY. WORTH. IT.
Also, this: http://www.lovecalculator.com/
I have 1% Compatibility with Luna Lovegood
86% with Ronald Weasley
and, sadly, only 12% with "Your MOM"... But that didn't stop her in bed last night ;)
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Friday, April 8, 2011
BEDA day eight
WARNING: Upon reread of this post, it has been determined to be full of GLEE. Continue at your own peril.
Oh Oh I want some more, Oh Oh what are you waiting for????
I am currently lurking about fanfiction dot net reading some excellent slash Britana and Klaine fanfictions. Screw studying! You could never pull me away from this fanfiction now. Particularly when I have Darren Criss and Chris Coilfer singing animal in the background. NEVER.
Well okay, so I'm writing this blog post, but the music is still there!
Leadership applications were posted today for band. It suddenly made me really nervous. I mean, me, drum major? It suddenly seemed entirely laughable. I mean, what the heck do I remember about calling right face and left hace and flank...
But then my memory returned, so I'm again optimistic.
And there are two questions that are asking you what you would do in a situation on the application, and I just laughed, because I thought of all the times I HAD dealt with this stuff last year. Piece of cake, in the bag, I just can't screw up the learning how to conduct part. Four before school sessions, I WILL get this shit down!
Oh, and you may have noticed I'm not studying today. And tomorrow I'm going to a baseball game. A day and a half of FREEDOM. I couldn't be more gleeful.
Which I suppose, is why I'm reading glee slash fanfiction right now. It's nice to read about happy gay kids. It makes me go SQUEE and get giggly and all sorts of awesome stuff that I love.
So I'm gonna go continue gleeking out
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Oh Oh I want some more, Oh Oh what are you waiting for????
I am currently lurking about fanfiction dot net reading some excellent slash Britana and Klaine fanfictions. Screw studying! You could never pull me away from this fanfiction now. Particularly when I have Darren Criss and Chris Coilfer singing animal in the background. NEVER.
Well okay, so I'm writing this blog post, but the music is still there!
Leadership applications were posted today for band. It suddenly made me really nervous. I mean, me, drum major? It suddenly seemed entirely laughable. I mean, what the heck do I remember about calling right face and left hace and flank...
But then my memory returned, so I'm again optimistic.
And there are two questions that are asking you what you would do in a situation on the application, and I just laughed, because I thought of all the times I HAD dealt with this stuff last year. Piece of cake, in the bag, I just can't screw up the learning how to conduct part. Four before school sessions, I WILL get this shit down!
Oh, and you may have noticed I'm not studying today. And tomorrow I'm going to a baseball game. A day and a half of FREEDOM. I couldn't be more gleeful.
Which I suppose, is why I'm reading glee slash fanfiction right now. It's nice to read about happy gay kids. It makes me go SQUEE and get giggly and all sorts of awesome stuff that I love.
So I'm gonna go continue gleeking out
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Thursday, April 7, 2011
BEDA day seven
That is Yo, and Hola mixed up in a bag of happiness and sprinkled with kick ass.
So, I got my practice ACT score. THIRTY ONE! Obviously this makes me happy. And I would never admit this, because ACT practice days were the bane of my existance, but I'm pretty sure it has entirely to do with all of the grammar ACT prep we did in English. So I guess thank you Mrs. S.
There are morning review sessions every day for my History class. Now I am sorry Mr History teacher, but No way am I coming in at 7:15 every weekday until May SIXTH! I barely have any free time as it is.
Flash card season is upon us my friends. So let us spend all our extra time writing a zillion different flash cards that refer to such terms as "Joan of Arc" or "Juxtaposition". Currently I have about 200 flash cards for history, but I should really have about a thousand by this point. And that makes me sad. English, luckily, requires less, but is much harder to memorize at random.
I also have begun the wonderful thing known as prep book work. This is when you get a giant book filled with all the information you were supposed to read in your actual textbook, but never did, and study it like your life depends on it.
I am full of STUDY mode today. It is inexplicable... Actually, no, it probably has to do with the fact that I have a calc test tomorrow on a subject I barely understand, followed by the SUNDAY OF DOOM, otherwise known as the full scale practice AP test.
How do you all study for such things? Do you flash card crazy? Reread textbooks? Study countless outlines of chapters you never read? Practice writing timed essays? Sleep with textbooks under your pillow????
I've never done the last one, but it is looking more and more like a valid option for studying. That way it can slip into your head via OSMOSIS while you dream. NO EFFORT! 100% or less effective!*
Alright, time to go back to the books!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
*Think of the geico commercial slogan for a moment. We can save you UP TO 15% or MORE on car insurance. I don't know about you, but I think this actually covers every possible integer from negative infinity to positive infinity.
That is Yo, and Hola mixed up in a bag of happiness and sprinkled with kick ass.
So, I got my practice ACT score. THIRTY ONE! Obviously this makes me happy. And I would never admit this, because ACT practice days were the bane of my existance, but I'm pretty sure it has entirely to do with all of the grammar ACT prep we did in English. So I guess thank you Mrs. S.
There are morning review sessions every day for my History class. Now I am sorry Mr History teacher, but No way am I coming in at 7:15 every weekday until May SIXTH! I barely have any free time as it is.
Flash card season is upon us my friends. So let us spend all our extra time writing a zillion different flash cards that refer to such terms as "Joan of Arc" or "Juxtaposition". Currently I have about 200 flash cards for history, but I should really have about a thousand by this point. And that makes me sad. English, luckily, requires less, but is much harder to memorize at random.
I also have begun the wonderful thing known as prep book work. This is when you get a giant book filled with all the information you were supposed to read in your actual textbook, but never did, and study it like your life depends on it.
I am full of STUDY mode today. It is inexplicable... Actually, no, it probably has to do with the fact that I have a calc test tomorrow on a subject I barely understand, followed by the SUNDAY OF DOOM, otherwise known as the full scale practice AP test.
How do you all study for such things? Do you flash card crazy? Reread textbooks? Study countless outlines of chapters you never read? Practice writing timed essays? Sleep with textbooks under your pillow????
I've never done the last one, but it is looking more and more like a valid option for studying. That way it can slip into your head via OSMOSIS while you dream. NO EFFORT! 100% or less effective!*
Alright, time to go back to the books!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
*Think of the geico commercial slogan for a moment. We can save you UP TO 15% or MORE on car insurance. I don't know about you, but I think this actually covers every possible integer from negative infinity to positive infinity.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
BEDA day six: Post Number 100
I feel like I should be doing something epic for this post, but the truth is I am dead tired.
I know what I shall do! One hundred random facts about me!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
I know what I shall do! One hundred random facts about me!
- I share a birthday with Dr. Seuss.
- I crushed my jaw in a scooter accident when I was seven or eight.
- My favorite color is green.
- The first youtube channel I subscribed to was either nigahiga or italktosnakes.
- I have about ten different music books I have accidentally stolen from various band directors.
- I have a knack for finding signed copies of the books I want to buy.
- I have ten books signed. Half of these were signed by John Green.
- The Guinna pig that my family owned about three years ago has lived to be so old that he has gray hair.
- My nails are blue right now.
- My shortest relationship was three days long, my longest was a month long.
- I did not realize how long it is now clearly going to take to get 100 facts.
- There are six posters hanging in my room.
- The bed I have now (not the matress, the bed) is the first bed I had after being done with the crib. I have not had any other bed.
- I have a single knee high argyle sock that has lost its pair.
- I have been watching the Assasin's Creed Brotherhood 2.0 videos, and have reached #63
- I took Spanish in middle school, but now I am taking French.
- Courtney gave me a giant can of silly string that I have yet to be able to use.
- I prefer physical CD's.
- I think Michael (my teddy bear that I share in joined custody with Courtney) is two years old at least.
- I read Across the Universe by Beth Revis over spring break, and it was very good.
- I have been given three lei's, all at my last school's band's banquet last year.
- I got a 31 on my practice ACT.
- I got a 24 on the science section of the practice ACT xD
- I want Matt to win survivor this season.
- I have sprained my ankle three times.
- My favorite vehicle is the jeep wrangler.
- There is a half drank bottle of cherry coke on the middle of the floor of my room.
- I own three versions of monopoly.
- The walls in my room are light green.
- I had cherry poptarts for breakfast.
- Next year's marching band show at my school will have a Spy theme.
- I used to avoid watching Community Channel's videos, because she looked like a slut aiming for attention in all her screenshots.
- I was the backstage hat person in sixth grade for my school's production of The Music Man.
- I always get a baja blast at taco bell.
- On my hand, I have marked three tallies, and written 2006.
- I have just realized that I have one more signed book than I thought, because I have Eclipse signed by Stephenie Meyer.
- My band folder split in half months ago. It is slowly falling into smaller pieces.
- The same thing has happened to three other folders I've had this year (non-band related).
- My mother is allergic to cats.
- My dad believes that cats are the devil. He is not religious.
- The keyboard in my room has turned into more of a table for clean clothes that I decide not to wear.
- I actually worked on some homework today (calculus).
- One of my favorite foods in the world is tuna casserole.
- My lowest grade ever was a D in 8th grade health.
- My highest grade ever was 110% in 7th grade science.
- Physics is currently my only regular level core class.
- The CD currently in my CD player is Kaleidoscope Heart by Sara Bareilles.
- I cannot spell Kaleidoscope without spell check.
- I can solve a Rubik's Cube.
- I am a pisces, my middle name is Ocean.
- My door has a lot of issues closing.
- It is really hard to lock my front door.
- I only have one pair of earings that I actually wear that is still in its pair.
- I am giving up at 54 things.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
BEDA day five
Post 99 today guys!
Yes, the font is different today. I felt like it.
I've been looking at my schedule for the next... well while. I think I have a total of three days off on the weekends until I'm done with AP testing the weekend after May 11th. Boy oh boy is that busy.
I also, quite thankfully, have a late arrival tomorrow. I will be doing homework with my extra 80 mins... and eating eggs. Eggs are good =)
I don't have much more to say. Really, I don't do much anymore but catch up on youtube, blogger, HPFF, and webcomics; do homework; eat; and watch political news shows (a necessity for my English class). Perhaps tomorrow I shall make up a fantastical story for all of you to hear.
Have I told you about my summer yet? That might be interesting.
Here are the basic bullets for my summer at the moment:
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: A car alarm went off while I was writing this. It took me about 15 seconds before I realized I was not hearing a bird xD
PPS: I am still managing to reread the hunger games series with my lack of life. I read it during health, and on the bus, and while I wait in my classroom before French in the morning, and on the toilet. So I'm making good pace with it.
Yes, the font is different today. I felt like it.
I've been looking at my schedule for the next... well while. I think I have a total of three days off on the weekends until I'm done with AP testing the weekend after May 11th. Boy oh boy is that busy.
I also, quite thankfully, have a late arrival tomorrow. I will be doing homework with my extra 80 mins... and eating eggs. Eggs are good =)
I don't have much more to say. Really, I don't do much anymore but catch up on youtube, blogger, HPFF, and webcomics; do homework; eat; and watch political news shows (a necessity for my English class). Perhaps tomorrow I shall make up a fantastical story for all of you to hear.
Have I told you about my summer yet? That might be interesting.
Here are the basic bullets for my summer at the moment:
- I will hopefully be working at the daycare center my mom works at
- I will be taking the June SAT
- I will study for the fall ACT and SAT
- I will take tuba lessons
- I will take piano lessons
- I will work like a maniac on audition music
- I will write scholarship essays
- I will be allowed to legally drive without a parental unit
- I will see Maureen Johnson in July, and get about ten books signed by her
- I will work on summer AP homework.
- I will play Portal 2 (there shall be no time until basically the end of school for fun, so this is where Portal goes!)
- I will go to a week-long band camp
- I will have no life
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: A car alarm went off while I was writing this. It took me about 15 seconds before I realized I was not hearing a bird xD
PPS: I am still managing to reread the hunger games series with my lack of life. I read it during health, and on the bus, and while I wait in my classroom before French in the morning, and on the toilet. So I'm making good pace with it.
Monday, April 4, 2011
BEDA day four
Today, I decided my motto until the end of my AP tests is "get ahead before ahead gets you." In keeping with this motto, I have done none of my homework today. I know, total rebel.
I don't really have too much to say today. After all, it has been the first day back from spring break... And Monday has jazz band, so really, by now I'm usually either dead asleep, or doing a major homework assignment.
Ah BEDA, such fast friends we shall become.
Really, I do want to stick it out all the way this year... It will just take a lot of work.
Also, my GBS Nerdfighter friends, I dunno who is responsible for the apparent awesome at your school today, but congrats on being mentioned at the top of Hank's video today. I must hear tell of what happened soon, or I may explode in anticipation.
I was having a real hard time coming up with the word anticipation there. This is probably a sign to sleep.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
I don't really have too much to say today. After all, it has been the first day back from spring break... And Monday has jazz band, so really, by now I'm usually either dead asleep, or doing a major homework assignment.
Ah BEDA, such fast friends we shall become.
Really, I do want to stick it out all the way this year... It will just take a lot of work.
Also, my GBS Nerdfighter friends, I dunno who is responsible for the apparent awesome at your school today, but congrats on being mentioned at the top of Hank's video today. I must hear tell of what happened soon, or I may explode in anticipation.
I was having a real hard time coming up with the word anticipation there. This is probably a sign to sleep.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Sunday, April 3, 2011
BEDA day three and a half?
Hello Miss Niki Wells. Here begins your embarrassment... or perhaps not. Honestly I hadn't done THAT much planning when I asked you if you were okay with embarrassment. I just figured it would be nice to work some in. I'M MEAN LIKE THAT. Whut? xD
Here's the deal Niki Wells. I have known you since sixth grade. We are of like intelligences, we have both completed the RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD, and 20 MPH achievements. We are also both quiet people. You also live an hour away from me, which somehow seems to turn into five zillion hours away when I need a nerdy friend (although twitter, thankfully, does converge the distance rather well - sidebar: was converge the right word?).
With this in mind, I believe it is TIME to AMP UP our friendship to new LEVELS.
I have rewritten the lyrics to a song, in order to exemplify what this amping up entails. (I however, will refuse to actually sing, because no one wants to hear that lol).
I'd read your blogs and I think they're so jokes
And now we're getting friendly with a couple twitter posts
I confess that I now live in your timezone
At least I don't have to watch Youtube alone
Even though tonight I've got
A date with my bookshelf
I'd much rather text and hug you
And nothing else
Won't you be in nerdfighter friendlike with me?
Won't you stay up all night online with me?
We could go write nerdfighternotes in the library
Too bad you live an hour from me
Over a friendly lunch, we'd blurb some lolbooks
Blenderize our meals while other tables give us dirty looks
Do a reading of "Pooh Gets Stuck" in my pants
If we could hang out IRL, I'd do my happy dance
Even though tonight I've got
A date with my bookshelf
I'd much rather text and hug you
...Maybe something else [insert exaggerated suggestive wink]
Won't you be in nerdfighter friendlike with me?
Won't you stay up all night online with me?
We'd happy dance to music that's royalty free
Too bad you live an hour from me
Even though tonight I've got
A date with my bookshelf
I'd much rather text and hug you
...And something else [like play video games? hehe]
Won't you be in nerdfighter friendlike with me?
Too bad you live an hour from me
Anyways, the basic heads and tails of this, is will you go to Prom with me? I need a friend to go with, and I swear it feels like I never get to hang out with you. It's May 7th (the day after the AP Euro test, YAY!) I will pay for our tickets, we can hang out beforehand and do whatever weird things you are supposed to do before prom. It's ON A BOAT in Chicago, which would be cool. And according to one of the boys in my French class, the only reason he is going is the food. Plus we could sneak in gameboys and be REBELS xD
So Miss Niki Wells, will you be my nerdfighter friendlike date to Prom?
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: Unless your school calendar doesn't list sports on it, there should be NO conflicts on your end from school.
PPS: I wanted to use your full name because it felt more dramatic... that's really the only reason why haha.
Here's the deal Niki Wells. I have known you since sixth grade. We are of like intelligences, we have both completed the RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD, and 20 MPH achievements. We are also both quiet people. You also live an hour away from me, which somehow seems to turn into five zillion hours away when I need a nerdy friend (although twitter, thankfully, does converge the distance rather well - sidebar: was converge the right word?).
With this in mind, I believe it is TIME to AMP UP our friendship to new LEVELS.
I have rewritten the lyrics to a song, in order to exemplify what this amping up entails. (I however, will refuse to actually sing, because no one wants to hear that lol).
I'd read your blogs and I think they're so jokes
And now we're getting friendly with a couple twitter posts
I confess that I now live in your timezone
At least I don't have to watch Youtube alone
Even though tonight I've got
A date with my bookshelf
I'd much rather text and hug you
And nothing else
Won't you be in nerdfighter friendlike with me?
Won't you stay up all night online with me?
We could go write nerdfighternotes in the library
Too bad you live an hour from me
Over a friendly lunch, we'd blurb some lolbooks
Blenderize our meals while other tables give us dirty looks
Do a reading of "Pooh Gets Stuck" in my pants
If we could hang out IRL, I'd do my happy dance
Even though tonight I've got
A date with my bookshelf
I'd much rather text and hug you
...Maybe something else [insert exaggerated suggestive wink]
Won't you be in nerdfighter friendlike with me?
Won't you stay up all night online with me?
We'd happy dance to music that's royalty free
Too bad you live an hour from me
Even though tonight I've got
A date with my bookshelf
I'd much rather text and hug you
...And something else [like play video games? hehe]
Won't you be in nerdfighter friendlike with me?
Too bad you live an hour from me
Anyways, the basic heads and tails of this, is will you go to Prom with me? I need a friend to go with, and I swear it feels like I never get to hang out with you. It's May 7th (the day after the AP Euro test, YAY!) I will pay for our tickets, we can hang out beforehand and do whatever weird things you are supposed to do before prom. It's ON A BOAT in Chicago, which would be cool. And according to one of the boys in my French class, the only reason he is going is the food. Plus we could sneak in gameboys and be REBELS xD
So Miss Niki Wells, will you be my nerdfighter friendlike date to Prom?
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: Unless your school calendar doesn't list sports on it, there should be NO conflicts on your end from school.
PPS: I wanted to use your full name because it felt more dramatic... that's really the only reason why haha.
BEDA day three
I need to figure out how to steal the bookshelf from downstairs.
I mean, my bookshelf isn't full yet. But it will be full soon, and if I have to start putting my books into a box again... It will not be pretty. I also need to start making a contingency plan for my books while I'm in college (which I'm aware is still a year and a half away). I know I can't bring all of them, but I will doing my damned best to get all the ones I like to reread... which is almost all of them. People don't understand why I buy books, but it's so obvious, I actually REREAD them.
I should mention one of the concerns I was thinking about while showering today (you're a liar if the shower isn't one of the greatest places of inspiration for you). I don't know about y'all, but really, I'm not interesting enough to do all BEDA talking about myself... Which is mostly why I did that post yesterday, because realistically, all I did was surf the internet, read more of the Hunger games (reread), and make brownies... So expect more strange posts like yesterday.
Speaking of showering, my dog has taken to running up the stairs the moment I turn the shower off, so that when I leave the bathroom, she's right at the door. And then she tries to come into my room... Dogs are silly.
I got to try out the 3DS at a Best Buy while on our college road trip. It's pretty freaky, but it's hard to stay in range of the 3D unless you turn it down a bit.
I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Spring break has been glorious. I've been reading about things that interest me on the internet... Like dystopias, and segways! And after all the stress that just got dumped with school in March, well... *begins countdown to summer* Oh good god, 57 days! AUGHALKSDNFLADKNV!!
Two months and done, two months and done...
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
I mean, my bookshelf isn't full yet. But it will be full soon, and if I have to start putting my books into a box again... It will not be pretty. I also need to start making a contingency plan for my books while I'm in college (which I'm aware is still a year and a half away). I know I can't bring all of them, but I will doing my damned best to get all the ones I like to reread... which is almost all of them. People don't understand why I buy books, but it's so obvious, I actually REREAD them.
I should mention one of the concerns I was thinking about while showering today (you're a liar if the shower isn't one of the greatest places of inspiration for you). I don't know about y'all, but really, I'm not interesting enough to do all BEDA talking about myself... Which is mostly why I did that post yesterday, because realistically, all I did was surf the internet, read more of the Hunger games (reread), and make brownies... So expect more strange posts like yesterday.
Speaking of showering, my dog has taken to running up the stairs the moment I turn the shower off, so that when I leave the bathroom, she's right at the door. And then she tries to come into my room... Dogs are silly.
I got to try out the 3DS at a Best Buy while on our college road trip. It's pretty freaky, but it's hard to stay in range of the 3D unless you turn it down a bit.
I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Spring break has been glorious. I've been reading about things that interest me on the internet... Like dystopias, and segways! And after all the stress that just got dumped with school in March, well... *begins countdown to summer* Oh good god, 57 days! AUGHALKSDNFLADKNV!!
Two months and done, two months and done...
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Saturday, April 2, 2011
BEDA day two
Today I am going to introduce (or if you were ever one to do an archive binge, reintroduce) you to the intricacies of my mind. Enjoy!
Today Jess's mind is currently thinking in third person.
It's an exciting festival at the town square in Jess Head Land, where various characters have come to join in the festivities. The obvious make an appearance, with the lazy one, the creative one, and the one actually in control. The less obvious who attend are the Golden and Silver trio of Harry Potter (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Luna), Katniss Everdeen, River Tam, the Bishop Boys (a la Fringe), and Mario.
Now you might consider that this is not enough people to create a festival, and right you would be. A near hundred different characters residing in Jess Head Land attend, but the most prominent for the moment would be those listed.
Walter Bishop is deep in discussion with Hermione Granger, trying to get every bit of knowledge about magic that he can. Ron sits with them, utterly bored out of his witts, but it is a true sign of how much he loves Hermione that he does not leave her side. The entirety of the silver trio is involved in a large discussion with the lazy one, the creative one, and the one actually in control. Neville appears to be weary of how much the creative one, and Luna have taken to each other, but says nothing, as his love is unrequited. Katniss Everdeen has just left a conversation with River Tam (River Tam having decided that it would be more fun to just start dancing than keep talking for so long), and is now joining in on a conversation with Harry, Mario, and Peter Bishop.
A slower song comes on, and dynamics change. Harry spots Ginny and immediately excuses himself to pull her into his arms. Ron looks relieved as Hermione agrees the music is a good enough excuse to leave Walter Bishop. Neville appears to be about to ask Luna to dance, but thinks better of it. Stupid boy. Katniss decides Neville could use a picker upper, and asks him to dance instead. Neville humbly accepts.
In the midst of all this, however, the most entertaining thing has just begun. River Tam is still delightedly dancing at a fast pace despite the slow tempo to the music. Luna has also began dancing in an outrageous fashion and has decided to join up with River. Their dancing requires much of the floor space, and seems to knock over all in its path. Logically, the creative one joins, adding spice and pazzaz to it all, somehow making it the most outrageous and beautiful thing in the world.
As this all continues, the lazy one has already found a seat at a booth, being entirely unwilling to set foot on the dance floor. He is soon joined by the one actually in control, the Bishop boys, and Mario. They share a round of drinks, and Walter sneaks a mushroom to Mario, and they both become gleefully high.
Then, River Tam gets activated and takes all the Mother fuckers out.
The end.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: Perhaps I haven't mentioned this before, but I most definitely have a thing for Summer Glau (River Tam). I mean really, who doesn't have a thing for Summer Glau? *stares with greed in a creepy fashion*
PPS: With the exception of Mario and the Bishop Boys, all characters involved in this production have been heavily involved with my actions today, thus their making it into the festival as prominent characters.
Today Jess's mind is currently thinking in third person.
It's an exciting festival at the town square in Jess Head Land, where various characters have come to join in the festivities. The obvious make an appearance, with the lazy one, the creative one, and the one actually in control. The less obvious who attend are the Golden and Silver trio of Harry Potter (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Luna), Katniss Everdeen, River Tam, the Bishop Boys (a la Fringe), and Mario.
Now you might consider that this is not enough people to create a festival, and right you would be. A near hundred different characters residing in Jess Head Land attend, but the most prominent for the moment would be those listed.
Walter Bishop is deep in discussion with Hermione Granger, trying to get every bit of knowledge about magic that he can. Ron sits with them, utterly bored out of his witts, but it is a true sign of how much he loves Hermione that he does not leave her side. The entirety of the silver trio is involved in a large discussion with the lazy one, the creative one, and the one actually in control. Neville appears to be weary of how much the creative one, and Luna have taken to each other, but says nothing, as his love is unrequited. Katniss Everdeen has just left a conversation with River Tam (River Tam having decided that it would be more fun to just start dancing than keep talking for so long), and is now joining in on a conversation with Harry, Mario, and Peter Bishop.
A slower song comes on, and dynamics change. Harry spots Ginny and immediately excuses himself to pull her into his arms. Ron looks relieved as Hermione agrees the music is a good enough excuse to leave Walter Bishop. Neville appears to be about to ask Luna to dance, but thinks better of it. Stupid boy. Katniss decides Neville could use a picker upper, and asks him to dance instead. Neville humbly accepts.
In the midst of all this, however, the most entertaining thing has just begun. River Tam is still delightedly dancing at a fast pace despite the slow tempo to the music. Luna has also began dancing in an outrageous fashion and has decided to join up with River. Their dancing requires much of the floor space, and seems to knock over all in its path. Logically, the creative one joins, adding spice and pazzaz to it all, somehow making it the most outrageous and beautiful thing in the world.
As this all continues, the lazy one has already found a seat at a booth, being entirely unwilling to set foot on the dance floor. He is soon joined by the one actually in control, the Bishop boys, and Mario. They share a round of drinks, and Walter sneaks a mushroom to Mario, and they both become gleefully high.
Then, River Tam gets activated and takes all the Mother fuckers out.
The end.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: Perhaps I haven't mentioned this before, but I most definitely have a thing for Summer Glau (River Tam). I mean really, who doesn't have a thing for Summer Glau? *stares with greed in a creepy fashion*
PPS: With the exception of Mario and the Bishop Boys, all characters involved in this production have been heavily involved with my actions today, thus their making it into the festival as prominent characters.
Friday, April 1, 2011
What Do You Mean You Didn't Know I Am Doing BEDA?
Of course I'm doing BEDA!
What else did you think I was going to do? Be productive and do my homework, study for the AP tests, and spend time on facebook???
Well actually I should probably do those as well... Although the facebook I can lay off a bit.
I remember the last time I did BEDA I sort of gave up towards the end. And quite frankly, knowing me, there is a good chance of this happening again.
Well we'll just see.
I just got back from visiting a whole bunch of colleges. Well three, but still, being with my dad all day, visiting schools and talking about schools, it gets exhausting and begins to feel like you've visited twelve schools instead of three.
I really liked Butler, but my dad went all money mad and decided that I NEED to go to U of I, because that is the only place that can be paid for fully with the GI Bill. Still, I'm the one signing the papers at the end of all of this, not him.
(That, my dears, is what is known as a segway)
After writing that parenthetical statement, I find myself really wanting to post a picture of a segway.
That's better =)
Right, so um, yeah, this has been my BEDA day one.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: How many of you are doing BEDA this April? I MUST KNOW! (so that I check your pages daily! =])
Update: I just looked up BEDA in google. It came back with Binge Eating Disorder Association... Make of that what you will.
What else did you think I was going to do? Be productive and do my homework, study for the AP tests, and spend time on facebook???
Well actually I should probably do those as well... Although the facebook I can lay off a bit.
I remember the last time I did BEDA I sort of gave up towards the end. And quite frankly, knowing me, there is a good chance of this happening again.
Well we'll just see.
I just got back from visiting a whole bunch of colleges. Well three, but still, being with my dad all day, visiting schools and talking about schools, it gets exhausting and begins to feel like you've visited twelve schools instead of three.
I really liked Butler, but my dad went all money mad and decided that I NEED to go to U of I, because that is the only place that can be paid for fully with the GI Bill. Still, I'm the one signing the papers at the end of all of this, not him.
(That, my dears, is what is known as a segway)
After writing that parenthetical statement, I find myself really wanting to post a picture of a segway.

That's better =)
Right, so um, yeah, this has been my BEDA day one.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
PS: How many of you are doing BEDA this April? I MUST KNOW! (so that I check your pages daily! =])
Update: I just looked up BEDA in google. It came back with Binge Eating Disorder Association... Make of that what you will.