Thursday, April 7, 2011

BEDA day seven


That is Yo, and Hola mixed up in a bag of happiness and sprinkled with kick ass.

So, I got my practice ACT score. THIRTY ONE! Obviously this makes me happy. And I would never admit this, because ACT practice days were the bane of my existance, but I'm pretty sure it has entirely to do with all of the grammar ACT prep we did in English. So I guess thank you Mrs. S.

There are morning review sessions every day for my History class. Now I am sorry Mr History teacher, but No way am I coming in at 7:15 every weekday until May SIXTH! I barely have any free time as it is.

Flash card season is upon us my friends. So let us spend all our extra time writing a zillion different flash cards that refer to such terms as "Joan of Arc" or "Juxtaposition". Currently I have about 200 flash cards for history, but I should really have about a thousand by this point. And that makes me sad. English, luckily, requires less, but is much harder to memorize at random.

I also have begun the wonderful thing known as prep book work. This is when you get a giant book filled with all the information you were supposed to read in your actual textbook, but never did, and study it like your life depends on it.

I am full of STUDY mode today. It is inexplicable... Actually, no, it probably has to do with the fact that I have a calc test tomorrow on a subject I barely understand, followed by the SUNDAY OF DOOM, otherwise known as the full scale practice AP test.

How do you all study for such things? Do you flash card crazy? Reread textbooks? Study countless outlines of chapters you never read? Practice writing timed essays? Sleep with textbooks under your pillow????

I've never done the last one, but it is looking more and more like a valid option for studying. That way it can slip into your head via OSMOSIS while you dream. NO EFFORT! 100% or less effective!*

Alright, time to go back to the books!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

*Think of the geico commercial slogan for a moment. We can save you UP TO 15% or MORE on car insurance. I don't know about you, but I think this actually covers every possible integer from negative infinity to positive infinity.

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