I think my chances are extremely good to get out of working on my room today. I know that my mom was up earlier, but she's asleep again, and when she naps, it's for about three hours. And usually when she sleeps all day she sleeps all day the next day. So yay for avoiding cleaning my room!
Today might be a writing day. I mean, I want it to be a writing day, but it does not feel like a writing day. Even if my mom sleeps all day and never leaves her room, I'll still have that issue of not having the house to myself. I don't know why that's an issue, but it means that if I were to ever become a writer (highly unlikely, being a band geek way more than a writing person), I would have to get an apartment all to myself and only go outside on special occasions once a week, that will be known as Jewel Osco/Borders/Target day. I will become reclusive, begining to avoid all phone contact with my friends. Soon after will be facebook. And before you know it, I won't be on the internet. Then I will get a cat. Just because it's cute and some lady had them outside Target on my special day, and I thought "hey, why not?" Before we know it though, I will get another one, because if one is cute, then two will be cute, and then they can be friends while I work. Then I get another cat, because sometimes the two cats get annoyed with each other and need someone else to hang out with. Then I get a fourth cat, because if two of the cats are hanging out, then one always gets left out, and that's not fair. Then a cat get's pregnant. I abandon my writing duties for a little to take care of the cat. Then I have four new cats that I can't bare to give to anyone else. Then another cat gets pregnant. Before we know it, I have abandoned my writing duties completely and become a crazy cat lady.
The lesson of this story is that there is a good chance for me becoming a crazy cat lady, so know what you're getting into now my friends.
In the meantime though, I'm going to go play some neopets so that I can save up to 10,000,000 neopoints, get the highest level bank account that gives you 12.5% interest, and live off of my interest on neopets for the rest of my life. (In neopet land obviously!)
Perhaps I'm a bit obsessive?
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek
Oh, neopets. I gave up a long time ago, but recently restarted after getting back in contact with my old best friend :)
I recently restarted also, and I want that much money! I have issues with spending some of it on avatars, though. I have 1.6 million right now.
I love your cat rant. It's wonderful. That could be me too, except I'm allergic to cats.
@Jess, that was sort of me too. I had an epic conversation with one of my friends about things we used to do.
@The Psychic, I'm no where near 10,000,000. Right now I'm at about 50,000. I'm just a big dreamer, and have also signed off in blood not to spend money on plushies until I hit sustainability w/o playing games.
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