Monday, August 9, 2010

Procrastination Station

I made a video while making mac and cheese for my collab blog with my friend Courtney. I can quite easily say that it is the most neurotic I've ever come off in a video. If only it was the truth for real life *sigh*

I have the following projects that I have to get done in a week, or planned on getting done in a week, that quite obviously show, I have no sense of how much time is in a week.
  • Clean up my room (ie take everything out of room, organize and bring back into room after moving furniture).
  • Organize my books (for my sanity, because no matter what, they have to end up on the shelves)
  • Read two books for English, then write an essay and answer some questions
  • Read a chapter of AP Euro, answer questions, do timeline, and maybe essay
Now, it doesn't seem like too much. I could do the first two in a day, the third in two days, and the fourth in one or two days. However, then you must take into the insane procrastination inside of me. Because my insane procrastinator would like to do the following:
  • Work on Ella
  • Work on original story
  • Earn neopoints
  • Watch youtube
  • Watch Friends
  • Have phone convos with friends that last about 2 hours
  • Sleep in until 2 (although courtney has thankfully prevented this frequently by calling me at about 11:30 every day)
Now, I've been following the pattern of the procrastinator a lot lately. And I've always been relatively good with procrastination (excluding english last year, because I saw no reason to care). I know how to push the Envelope right up until the deadline and make it through with a solid status. But I can't really do that with these things, because there isn't times like at school where I could be procrastinating and at the same time working. It just can't work that way for me, and this year I've been saying I'm all about getting things done early like in 7th grade. But I'm not doing that. I don't know how to stop. In fact, I'm good enough at procrastinating in some ways, that I can make an illusion of getting things done for anyone else that cares. But in the end there's a deadline that you just can't ignore looming over you.

Now, after that spiel, you'd think I'd be off to do some real work. But I plan on playing some neopets until I can watch more friends. I'll work on things tomorrow...
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: A great quote from a great author: "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they pass by"... Perhaps finishing Hitchhiker should also have been something on my procrastination list.


Niki said...

Maybe Hitchhiker should be on that other list, cause it's good. And I blame that quote for my Journalism fiasco last year.

And I don't have any before-school-starts AP Euro homework. So there *phthhhhbt*.


Jessamyn said...

well that means that you'll either have more work to do during the school year, or will end up slightly less prepared so NEAH =P

Marisa said...

I remember that quote! I love it!
I'm procrastinating BEDA right now.

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