Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BEDiJ day 14

Yes, I missed a day. But I was gone nearly all day, and I went to an absolutely amazing signing. I recorded almost all of it (except not all of it, because at one point I had only 5 mins left, and I still wanted to take pics. I missed the last question, but I have it all on my camera, and it's waiting to go up on youtube).

I met some really awesome nerdfighter girls there... In fact, there was only one of the male species there to get his books signed I believe. But yeah, met some awesome nerdfighters. And I found out about the chicago nerdfighter's facebook group.

I won a book! AH I just...

I don't know how to explain it other than saying it was so very fun and awesome, and I give lots of love and props to my mom for being willing to drive me there and back, because it was far away, and we decided it would be better for a sleepy experienced driver to drive at night, than a sleepy inexperienced one.

Oh, and I know I already said I got the job, but I now know 100% that I will be working in the same center as my mom. This means I will be working exclusively with school agers. It also means that I can kidnap my friend from his ridiculously long working hours (for a high schooler anyways. I know it's summer, but a full time job is kind of ridiculous), and take him to lunch. He's working in the same town, but the difference between me and him is that he knows absolutely NO one in that town, so I'm planning on kidnapping him every once in a while so that the grueling oppression of work does not destroy him.

Wow, that sounded morbid. I just feel bad he's working full time is all...

Oh, and I forgot to mention, the absolute BEST thing said at the signing (I am paraphrasing). "John Green has the most disgusting laptop. It's like he keeps a sandwich in there. You open it, and birds literally fly out." And then she called boys gross, and the one boy at the signing was like "hey!" I promise, this will be posted on youtube eventually (actually, rather soon I should think, because I need the space on my camera that I completely filled up).

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: I rode my bike again to attend my tuba lesson. The ride back was more relaxing than the ride there, but it's more of an uphill battle on the way home... I also stopped and got fries from McDonalds... Sue me.

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