Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Good Company, and Double Chocolate Chip Cookies.

So I am friends with a girl named Pauline.

I have talked about her before. She's a Sophomore, I'm a Senior. We share three classes together. She was born a pregnancy plus a few weeks after I was. Currently, we are both sixteen.

Anyways, I had her over earlier, and it was just... I haven't had proper conversation and relaxation and baking and movie watching since before I moved here, back when my ex-best friend didn't have an "ex" in her title. I haven't just properly hung out with anyone or relaxed with anyone outside of my family within my home in so long that I just need to write this down and commit it to memory.

In general, I have few truly intelligent friends. I have smart friends, but not many straight up intellectual friends who were gifted in elementary school and not just pushed hard by their parents. Pauline is one of those few people that I know, and she is one of maybe two of those that I know who is just a completely wonderful person to be around all the time. Even when she is complaining, she's the type of person that I want to cheer up instead of avoiding.

So we talked about school when we were younger, I kind of blurted out a ton of useless crap about moving all the time. We talked about glee, and books, and music, and the muppets, and 3D movies, and cheerleaders, and the vlogbrothers, and our experiences on youtube. We talked about music theory, and teaching music, and music teachers, and dancing, and ballet, and winter guard... So much.

We baked double chocolate chip cookies, the first thing I've made sweets wise that has not been chocolate chip cookies, brownies, or a cake. We finished making it, then decided that there clearly wasn't enough batter, and made more, this time doing everything sort of our of order because we were adding it to already made dough. And then we baked it, and on the fourth and last tray for the oven, we realized there were a ton of chocolate chips that had ended up on the bottom, and proceeded to add all of them to the last tray, making these sort of monster cookies.

We ate almost a full tray of cookies before we had pulled the next tray out of the oven.

Then we hung out in my room for a bit. No one ever sees my room. And Pauline told me that she liked how my bookshelves were the focal point of the room, and I had never even noticed before. And we talked and talked and talked and went downstairs to eat pizza and talked and talked and talked...

Then my dad was done playing LA Noire, and we watched winnie the pooh (the new one) with my dad. Then he left and we watched glee season 1 bonus features, and just talked some more. There was a lot of talking. I never talk so much without feeling exhausted. I talk to Crosby and I feel exhausted because he makes his jokes all of the time. I talk to Courtney, and I get exhausted because we both have just too much to tell each other, and we simply can't have the conversations we need to have over a phone. I get exhausted talking to Kat because we mostly just end up complaining about school or people. But I didn't get exhausted talking tonight, and I wish that pauline could have stayed longer because I just want to keep talking.

We also calculated that it would take 3 years and either a sex change operation on our end, or a sudden loss of homosexuality in Chris Colfer that would make us old enough and the right gender to date him. Six years for Heather Morris or Darren Criss (though Criss has a girlfriend, and Morris is straight I think...). This is all using the equation that says the youngest you can date is half your age plus seven.

She also told me about how she was in Panama one time, and she saw a llama finger puppet, and immediately bought it. She brought it with her when she went to see the glee concert last summer, along with a letter. She waited outside with her friends after the show (who also had letters for cast members) hoping to get to see them and then they had to leave early for a show the next day, so they didn't get to see them, and that box with the finger puppet is still in her room.

She told me how while waiting out there, she noticed that everyone else was clearly there because they wanted something from these people. They wanted signatures and pictures and things like that, whereas all Pauline and her friends wanted was to give something back to the people who they felt gave them so much.

I'm writing this all down because I need to commit it to memory, because I haven't been so happy and relaxed in so long.

I haven't had anyone to talk to who didn't seem to be expecting something from me in so long.

And after all this it seems like I am completely gushing right now, and I totally am, no lies about it. And you know what, if Pauline liked girls and I didn't need friends more now than relationships, and if I wasn't already good friends with Pauline and I'd just had this time with her (and I say this fully being aware that I plan to link her to this post) I would be crushing on her like no tomorrow. But I'm not, and I just need to put it out there that in this moment, I have a friend and I am happy.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: Winter break is never long enough.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

I got a kindle for Christmas

And I feel terrible because the more time I spend with the thing, the less I like it.

Don't get me wrong, there are benefits. When I go to college, I'm not going to be able to cart two bookshelves with me, but a kindle is no issue. The books are a bit (though not much) cheaper. Classic books that are under public domain are free, which means no reading on my laptop or paying money for books I don't really want (you can be sure that my winter break lit assignment is being downloaded and read for free on my kindle).

But there is something so very wrong about not having a physical book in my hands. I'm used to adjusting myself a few times while I read, and paging through to find my place. I like to share my books with people, and love being able to say "yeah, I have to bookshelves, and not enough space for them".

On my bookshelf right now, are maybe twenty or twenty five books signed by various authors... (I just counted, 23 books with 24 signatures -one was let it snow, which I have signed by john green and maureen johnson). And I found myself hesitating to buy and preorder the name of the star and the fault in our stars respectively, because what if I get to meet MJ again? And John signed thousands of pages of TFioS, and that wouldn't be on an ebook. I have a lot of memories too, of going to get books signed. When I went to get my MJ books signed, I met other nerdfighters, won a book, and ended up becoming a huge fan of one of the other authors that was there (sarah mlynowski if you were wondering. I read gimme a call before the signing just so I would have read something by all the authors there, and I felt it was brilliant).

And two weeks ago, in my complete frustration with Shakespeare, I ripped out a few pages of act one. I've never felt so much relief from a simple act. And I'm not about to go breaking a hundred dollar object to get a similar satisfaction.

I bought perfect by Ellen Hopkins on ebook, but I now realize that her books are formatted to make specific pictures and things of the like, which will be impossible to see until I fix my text size so that the pages match up.

I just feel like there's something so special about physical books that cannot be replicated by an electronic. And I know that I'm likely to end up buying the physical copies of the books I really fall in love with while reading on my kindle.

I'm still completely grateful for it, and trust me, I will be reading up a storm these next few days, and my back will be thankful when school starts and I'm not trucking around three books in my bag for the small chance that I might have a spare second to read.

Perhaps I will find it more enjoyable when the pottermore store opens and I can read harry potter while listening to the audiobook off of my one device. Because trust me, I am VERY excited for that.

I hope you all had a merry christmas. I sure did! And I guess I'll be seeing you around.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: Somnambulance, I don't know whether to be pleased or happy that I've made you cry. I honestly thought that post was rather bad myself, but I'm glad that it touched you that much! And I'm just curious, how did you find the blog? New people don't really show up here, particularly since I don't follow many blogs myself.

Friday, December 23, 2011

A Poem-ish Thing

This isn't really poetry, it's just what ended up spewing out of me earlier. The random spewing of someone who hasn't done any writing for fun in too long, unedited, so there's probably quite a lot that could be better, especially since it took a little for me to figure out a rhythm. Enjoy?

He liked glee, and so did she.
By musical television did they meet.
And little by little they fell in love.

He took her to see Winnie the Pooh.
Left notes in the most unexpected places.
Ever the gentleman he was.

She read him books on long car rides.
Sent songs over email that she knew he would like.
Perfect as far as he could ever be concerned.

They began to give up themselves to each other.
Spending more time together than apart.
Forgetting a world existed outside of them.

She learned she was pregnant.
Notated by a simple pink line.
The world was crashing down.

Their ambitions and dreams were gone.
How had it happened?
When had they forgotten them.

They fell in to a complacent life.
Nothing ever perfect.
But everything was good enough to not notice.

He realized they were in a rut.
Twenty-six, and all the joy was gone from her eyes.
Yet he knew they could escape it.

Clyde was left at her sister's house.
A road trip, just like when they were young.
Still, not quite the same.

They could never be the same.
Things they had loved were no longer there.
And little by little they fell out of love.

She watched movies during the day.
Remembered everything that needed to be done.
Ever independent, yet still a housewife.

He read hundreds of memos a day.
Listened to music on the radio.
Bored out of his mind, all the same.

Clyde asked "What is love?"
They didn't remember.
How could they answer?

She realized there was nothing left to their marriage.
Three kids out of the house, and he looked exhausted.
She knew she could fix it.

They went to see a movie.
Dressed to the nines.
But what was there to talk about?

He started seeing someone else.
Behind her back.
And he felt horrible, but saw no alternative.

She found out.
No way not to.
So they split further apart.

They fought every second.
Screaming that all the neighbors could hear.
Not that they cared anymore.

She was looking through old boxes the night before the divorce finalized.
Looking for an old cookbook.
And she found a particular box.

He had left notes on every item.
Burned CD's, annotated books, boxed sets of tv shows.
All the notes were memories.

"Annie's Anniversary Present.
Didn't even know she knew I'd been wanting a Doctor Who box set."
It was the result of her drilling every person he knew to annoyance.

"Clyde's First Book.
Read it together on the trip to my parents'."
And then read it hundreds times thereafter.

She couldn't take it.
Had to call him.
But he didn't pick up.

She left a simple voicemail.
Hoped it was enough.
Because it was the rest of her heart.

"I see myself holding a pair of thick, woolen socks."
Last road trip before she found out.
And he'd laughed for what seemed like hours.

She couldn't remember when they'd ever been that happy their after.
Probably hadn't been.
But maybe this was their last chance.

He texted her back later that night.
Not a note, because he no longer had a key.
"Yet what he'd really seen was his broken family whole."

He wanted to be whole again, and so did she.
By cellular phone did they reconcile.
And little by little, they fell in love again.

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You Have No Idea

I've been really busy. Monumentally busy.

I've had a dog die, a brief mental breakdown, finals, the begining of winter guard... I'm honestly entirely exhausted. I feel like all I need right now is to just sleep for a good two days while lying about, alternating between reading and staring at the ceiling.

This all, added with the fact that I know my privacy has been breached here has honestly kept me away. But I've missed this and you so much, and I just need this so badly, you can have no idea.

I've pulled off the near impossible this semester. Assuming my English stays the same (some grades have not been put in, including my final, but I should come out on top of this) I will have straight A's.

Well rather, straight A minuses, coupled with two A pluses in band honors and AP music theory. But they are straight A's. And I'm just going crazy thinking about it. I took five AP classes. FIVE. And here I am, after honestly pushing myself past the limit of where I ever should have been, and having had stressed and worked so hard for this... And here I am. Straight A's. I haven't had straight A's since the seventh grade, the grade I only spent a semester in before being moved up to eighth grade. It's as if I'd finally caught myself and climbed back up to the cliff I'd been pushed off of those many years ago.

I've been accepted to Butler University, and have since scheduled an audition. The band director from my old school left me a note on facebook telling me that she was so proud of me. Coming from her is just... well... amazing. Like I'm almost at tears thinking about it because what she did for me and my schoolmates just meant so much, and it's hard to imagine much higher praise. She means enough to me that when I was asked in a different audition about the music teacher that I admired the most, I immediately started spewing about her, and what our program had been like before she came.

I'm not in anyway trying to discount my current band director. She's absolutely wonderful as well, but she's just had a different role in my life than my first high school band director did. If not for my old band director having come in to my school, I probably would have quit band. I love band and music so much, and I've wanted to be a teacher since forever, and a music teacher since slightly less than forever... but I'm positive that if my old band director had never come, I would not have worked my butt off to become nearly as good a musician, or worked as hard to get into college, because I've had one goal since high school started, even discounting my screw ups, and that has been to become a music teacher, and that has been because of her.

And this semester. This semester with all it's ups and downs has been both amazing and horrible at the same time. Easy and frustrating at the same time as well. So much has happened and changed, and I feel like this semester I've managed to put myself together and grow up, and put everything into perspective.

I'm babbling on, and I probably will sound so stupid for saying this, but, I'm proud of myself. I don't think I've ever really given myself that credit before. I can do this. I'm ready. I've always put myself down, but I just find it really hard not to feel good about myself lately.

And so, I am going to rightfully take this winter break to read the books I've put off, and call the friends I haven't talked to in ages, and just relax.

I think I deserve it.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Some open letters

Elle Ma Dit by Mika, and anything by Coeur de Pirate

You're welcome.

Now, onto business. I have some messages I need to get out.

Dear Marisa,
I miss talking to you, and I'm sorry I've been too busy to check blogger to see what you've posted. Your insight and ramblings always amuse me.

Dear thegirllikeme,
Please resume posting the plot summaries of OTWAD since you have officially quit writing. I have that unfulfilled feeling in my stomach every time I remember that OTWAD once existed as my favorite in progress fanfic.

Dear Madam (insert my french teacher's name here),
Merci pour etre supercool! J'adore votre classe car j'apprends beacoup, mais je suis amusee a le meme temps. Toujours quand nous apprenons novelles choses de les pays francais, je veux aller MAINTENENT =)

Dear mom,
Thank you for making dinner.

Dear who ever is in charge of the world,
Thanks for sending me a good reassurance after I began to crumble earlier. I don't know who you are, or if you are a who, or if you even exist, but thanks anyways.

Dear self,
Just ask him.

Dear Wednesday,
Please stop imitating Thursday so well.

Dear AP Econ,
Please don't crush me when I take my test tomorrow. I have the nervous energy of someone who is completely unsure about if she will do really well or really bad, but knows that there won't be any inbetween.

Dear AP Lit teacher,
Thanks to you, I think I will likely remember Hamlet horribly, even though I'm actually finding that I enjoy it.

Dear Shakespeare,
Hamlet is THIRTY? Is that what all thirty year olds were like? Hamlet seems like a moody teenager in the middle of his emo phase. Also, I don't like the misogyny in your plays, but all things considered, at least it's a realistic representation of how women were treated back in the day.

Dear NaNoWriMo,
I think I need to rename you NaNoWriSatSunMo (Nation Novel Writing on Saturday and Sunday month). I appologise, but school and other things limit my time. My goal is to get between 20k and 30k by the end of the month. But I promise to work my butt off during thanksgiving.

Dear Blog Post Reader,
This is a secret embedded note to say thank you for actually reading everything. Please describe what you would do if given access to a giant toy store for a day without any rules. It'll be our little joke ;)

Dear Starbucks,
I love your hot chocolate, but sadly, it does not remain hot by the time that I have gotten over my spirit crushing problems of the day. If you could fix that, that would be lovely.

Dear Niki,
We set a date to hang out, and I forgot it... But I would like to hang out before christmas. We could go christmas shopping together? In the city? Does Chicago have a tree during Christmas time like NYC has? I think a giant decorated tree would be something to behold.

Dear Jeans,
Please magically grow in the middle of the night in a manner that allows me to feel skinny again.

Dear PE,
I thought it would suck to be back with you, but I'm really loving health club days on tuesdays and thursdays. I could run for an hour... The heart rate monitor really helps too, because I realize now that the reason I used to quit so much when I would start up running for a bit was that I was working too hard. Baby steps. Baby steps. Also, I love archery <3

Dear Pauline,
I have some great ideas for your Christmas present. GREAT. IDEAS.

Dear Everyone Who Contributed to this Thread,
You guys had me laughing so much. And I think that I am somewhere in the middle of how I would want to be asked out (based on the descriptions that came up in the middle of the thread, that I am, right now, too lazy to search for), all of the ones that seem like proposals, or that involve other people totally scare me, but the ones that are still private and while being sweet and fun seem very nice =)

Dear HPFF,
Thank you so much for letting Polychromatic get reposted.

Dear school program started today,
I promise I will be the bestest driver possible from now until May... Now how about rigging that system to make sure I am one of the people to win a car? ;)

Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Post That Isn't About Changing the World

I feel so rusty at the rambley-not-at-all angry-or-teenagerish-other-than-a-sense-of-naiveity blog posts. Just in general lately, it seems that everyone fell into the post BEDA rut of September (regardless of whether or not they were doing it) and are just trying to get back into the swing of things since it's October now.

So, school is going well. I just brought my English grade back up from a B+ to an A-, thus returning my GPA to a ridiculously high 4.7. I haven't done this well in school since the 7th grade where I was skipped up, and then proceeded to never completely regain my footing, but baby, the footing is BACK! Just in time for me to go to college and lose that footing all over again in a year. Ah well, win some, lose some.

Did IMEA auditions on Wednesday... yeah, if I get in, it will be a MIRACLE. I used to practice maybe the night before an audition and get into things (even if they were, admittedly, all last chair or one next to last chair), but this time I practiced for weeks when I could get the chance, and I just faltered. Nerves never get in the way when you barely practice and don't take everything to be such a big deal, but when you work for weeks... well it all just crashes around you. I told my band director about my screw ups, and she just said "well we'll see". I'm pretty sure she was just being nice. Everyone else was just amazing and I just... *sigh*

So now that IMEA is over, I have one month to prepare for my VanderCook auditions (which I must finish the application for THIS WEEKEND, no compromising*), and my lesson instructor wants me to use my IMEA music again, which I just think is the stupidest thing I could do, because every good tuba player in the state has seen and played that music, and it's an in state school... Just no. If I have to go behind his back to prepare for my auditions, I'll do it, because that just feels like the stupidest thing to do, playing that music again. And then I can just ask for my band director's help a couple times so that I'm not completely alone in this.

And on top of all of this is jazz band, and soon it's winter guard, and then idk if my math teacher is still trying to coerce me onto the math team, and there's still college applications for U of I and OSU and Butler, and my theory teacher thinks that I shouldn't let myself be intimidated by U Mich and just ugh. I feel so bad for Kat. She isn't entirely sure what she wants to do, and is basically just applying to a mish-mash of about 10-15 schools.

One point of sanity - marching band ends soon.

And then one absolutely wonderful thing. My brand spanking new tuba should be arriving Monday. I was going to be getting a used one, but the one that arrived was horribly shipped by the company, and had a huge unnamed dent on the bell, so that got sent back, and they sent my tuba already and. AHHH I JUST CAN'T WAIT.

But the real question is, what do I name my tuba? Suggestions below would be absolutely wonderful (and please avoid Harry Potter names, or names that are in any tv show I usually mention, the tuba needs to be its own person).

How have you been?
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

*Not that I haven't said for the past two weekends that I would do it THAT WEEKEND. But, really, my french teacher has finished my recommendation, so I really should get on this.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I have a secret

Several, actually.

Sometimes, I wish I could go to class and do work without being graded. Just to see if I would actually care. My gut tells me I would still do everything I'm taking this year, except English. If I had found myself able to conduct this experiment last year, I would have stopped caring about physics and euro. I actually might have done more work in English. Strange world.

Sometimes, I imagine a world where I'm not going to become a music teacher, and while it floats on the cusp of my imagination, I can't grab on long enough to get a clear vision. What else would I be? When all I have told myself I could possibly be has been "teacher" since I was in elementary school, I'm not quite sure what else I would do. I think I might enjoy a job where I could keep learning languages. But I'm not sure it exists. I wonder how difficult it might be to double major with French.

As time goes on, I find myself hating English class more and more. I am not a grammarian, nor am I anyone who wants to write essays for a living or analyze texts to the point where if is necessary for someone to pull us back and say "it's just a pocket watch" (Kat Bronston). That is the sort of thing that would drive me insane. I really like reading. That should be enough.

French, I just love French. That class always feels the most different from other classes. It is the one class, where I can step back and say "this grade doesn't represent me, it represents my potential". There is no rote memorization in this class. By this point we are just trying to internalize every possible thing that we can.

I can't do a direct translation of the above, but I can do a mimic.

J'adore French. C'est le class ou je peux just faire parler francais bien. Nous ne just faissons pas, nous sommes.

Really, the parts of French that annoy me the most are the parts that are begining to mimic English. Analyze this. No. I don't want to.

Calculus is a humuliating ordeal of "who can understand this crazy person the most". I don't think I've properly enjoyed math since my Freshman and half of Sophomore year teacher. He knew how to teach. It feels like far too often, math teachers know how to do, not teach.

Band... I love band. But really, I can't keep this up. I miss playing in ensembles, but then I get bored playing the same things over and over again. Nothing feels as interesting or as vibrant as it did in those early days of learning. I wish I could grasp that old excitement that came with hitting a note, rather than the newer frustration that comes with playing anything nowadays. When you're little, you think that you play fantastically, and once you're older, you realize that you suck and just keep sucking.

My room is an oven.

I don't even know.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I don't have much that is meaningful to say

I get a cheap thrill groping my lamp's hot light bulb in the morning.

Your cow says moo. My cao says moo too.

I really need to pee, but I doubt I'll get out of bed soon.

Take from that what you will xD
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Do You Remember The Days?

Do you remember the days when stalking was considered the norm, and corporations didn't try to help it along by basically making a stalking book for you?

Do you remember the days when you could simply randomly call someone to have a conversation, rather than needing to text first, and then, instead of having a short terse conversation, you talked about simply everything?

Do you remember the days when life wasn't so busy that you had to plan out your next meet up with a friend nearly three months ahead? (December 3rd, December 3rd >_<)

Do you remember the days when you could just stop by a friend's house, without calling ahead or texting ahead, or anything-ing ahead?

Do you remember the days when people hand wrote letters, and kept the letters they recieved in a box, so they could look through them again when they were older?

Do you remember the days where you could bring cookies to school for your friends and whoever just because you felt like being nice, and didn't have people you didn't know well, or that you completely detested, demanding cookies?

Do you remember the days friendship was easy? The days when friendship wasn't about getting the most attention, or shouting the most interesting thing into a room filled with other people shouting nonesense, but rather about real life interaction, and smiles, and laughter, and experiences, and being able to have a conversation with a good friend without saying a word (verbalized or textualized)?

I don't.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Are you hungry, or sad, or extremely happy, or bouncy, or neutral today my blog readers?
Mhmm, I see. Well, I baked cookies for about three hours after I got home. There's plenty, would you like one?
Alright, here you go, I hope it makes your day less hungy, or a bit better, or even awesomer (it's a word, man). *passes cookie* (::)
You're welcome!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Today, I got up in front of my french class, and I could only speak for 50/60 seconds.

Here's the thing, this happens to other people all the time, and they don't give a shit. But I care far too much. I need to be able to do everything that I want to do well. I nearly cry when I feel like I'm putting in lots of effort for no end.

I have a tendency, when I get one question wrong on a test, to go crazy with myself over why I didn't get it right. Heck, I got a 100% on a test for AP econ, and I still am really worried about the one question that I wasn't sure of my answer, because why wasn't I sure? I should have been sure.

The reason I'm thinking about all of this, is because it is bothering me more and more that there are so many people at my school who want to do something with music, and they just imply that they have everything under control when they haven't even really looked at schools, or audition materials. I've built this all up in my head to such a huge level since sixth grade, and then I come here and it's just some commonplace thing. You like music, why not major in music ed? Never mind that you haven't been focused on how to get there for the past five or six years while I've been concerned and worried about every note that I haven't been able to play to my perceived level of perfect.

I feel like I'm letting myself and teachers and my parents down more and more everyday, because I can't do everything. I'm not going to be able to keep the straight A's I have right now. I'm going to do worse in English, and in French, and my grade will never stay up. I'll always be concerned with the fact that I just don't get what's going on, when I've always been the person who's supposed to know everything.


Do your own damn homework.

And to my band director, stop looking at me like I'm crazy for taking five AP classes this year. I'm not crazy. I just don't know any other way to be great anymore.

I really need some hot chocolate.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I'd like to welcome you to my friend Pauline's poetry. It is not precisely poetry because the meaning isn't hidden, and there isn't any set way that it should go (syllables, rhyming, ect). I think technically poetry has to have one of these things going on, but here is one of the most beautiful things I've read in a while:
My goal,
is to do something
... great--
at least,
great in
my own mind.
But before I
my goals,
let me be
Let me
lay in my bed
and cry
over boys
and bad grades
and the future.
Let me worry,
let me fail,
let me fall.
Let me sit on my couch,
eat my
Let me
go out with friends
on Friday nights
and stay home and read
on Saturday nights.
Let me sing,
let me play,
let me portray.
Let me be
a teenager.
Let me believe
and question.
Then let me
abandon my goal
and, instead,
Anyways, I'm in the process of convincing her to make a blogger, so if* she does there will be a link HERE, so that you may join me in reading some more of her wonderfulness.

And uh, I guess I wrote some poetry earlier today that I was going to post, but I think mine rather pales in comparison, so if you would like to read some poetry that isn't as good, and is far more depressing than uplifting you may click here.

I will try to post tomorrow!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

*Right before I am about to post this, she says she is working on it**, so there should be a link soonish! =)
**Link is now there... obviously. However she has yet to post.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Insert title here

So I got a free, month long hulu plus membership (it's going to start charging my card if I don't cancel by Sep 25th, so someone needs to remind me, I'm bound to forget), and I've been using it to catch up on bones, because all of the sudden (I have no memory as to how I found this out) Brennan got pregnant, and her and Booth are a freaking couple. HOW DID I MISS THIS.

This is why you stick with a show, no matter how crappy it is getting. The episodes leading up to that plot point have been excellent. I quit just when it started getting good again. Lesson learned. Season seven will probably be much more like season three. That was a beautiful season... *sigh*

School is going... well... it's going?

I like AP econ, the teacher is funny, the topic isn't my cuppa tea, but it's relatively easy. Way less homework than I've had in a SS class for ages.

English is just dull. No way around it. My teacher is very judgmental, and I'm questioning if I'm willing to actually take this AP test. The problem is that it actually would be a good class to have for college, because I would be getting out of a class by passing. We already had a timed writing on Thursday. I will trudge through this hell.

I am loving music theory. It's making me think, but it's not hard (thus far). Next we're doing rhythm, which will be easy, and then chords. It's going to be really easy for me to pass with an A, because we get to turn in assignments until we get them right. And so far all of my corrections have been right on the first go. I definitely am going for the right major.

My study hall sucks. I don't need an applied arts class (long, but wonderfully happy story that perhaps I can go over tomorrow), so I'm in a study hall until October. I love my French teacher, but she has the worst study hall in the world.

Band is band. We're marching, which I like/dislike. (side bar: people keep complaining to me about not playing sousa. I keep feeling more and more guilty and like I made the worst decision ever. It would be easier if people would just shut up about how much better I'd do than Sam. I'm going to strangle the next person who complains to me.*) I'm excited to start my lessons again. We got the jazz band audition music as well, and it's really easy, so I'm excited. Auditions are on the fifth, and then rehearsals should be every Monday after that. Just a few months to concert band #mantras.

I am continually surprised at how much I know in French. The class is just in French (or at least, Madam is really trying to make it that way), and I'm understanding almost everything. I really just think it's vocabulary building that I need to work on. And then the AP test now includes culture, so we'll be learning lots about that. A-flash-carding we go!

Calc is easy so far. We're doing a chapter that we covered last year. What's pissing me off is that my dad can't do his college algebra homework on his own. Or work his graphing calculator... I've gotten through a lot of math without his help, so I really wish he didn't need mine.

Actually, I'm way closer to a degree than my dad is right now. I'm a year ahead of him in math. We've taken the same level English classes. I've got more social science classes than him. And I know more French than he knows Spanish (he started a week ago, which I obviously did not). It's kind of weird.

I feel like talking more, but I have nothing else really to say.

I'm going to go watch another episode of bones before I go to sleep.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

*I wasn't sure about doing a sidebar to a side bar, but I should at least mention, that one thing that's actually justifying my decision to not play sousa is that my shoulder has been killing me lately. I think I really should get a new backpack with better padding. Of course, I think the real reason it started up again was because all summer I was over stuffing my shoulder bag with homework and books I was reading nearly everywhere I went. Either way, my shoulder hurts.

PS: TV is starting soon! But I need to get the dates for when everything starts. And rewatch some fringe before I start the new season. And watch more heroes, and doctor who... So much television, so little time.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


The status I posted:
I started my butler application. It's going swimmingly. Of course, all I've really answered is where I live and my name and phone number, but it's a start!

What Ian thought I said:

lol i thought it said " i started my butter application. I'm going swimming" lmao

I can't stop laughing when I look at it. I might be too tired to be filling out an application.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Last First Day of School

Today was my first day of school.

At my school, the first day is basically a whirlwind of 15 minute classes, and freshmen who don't know where to go clogging the hallways.

So here was my day at school:

AP Econ:
Approx class size: 20 students. Turn in summer homework, chat about how it's most of the class's first AP class. Then talk amongst friends. There are five kids in band in my class, which is wonderful, because I am sitting next to Pauline. Last year, I didn't have friends in Social Studies until nearly halfway through the year.

AP Lit:
Approx class size: 35 students (all seats full). We filled out contact/about you notecards for our teacher. Summer homework was not collected. Teacher spent the majority of the class just talking about life and stuff. Nobody I was friends with in AP English last year is in my class.

AP Music Theory:
Approx class size: 3 in AP, 15-20ish in MT I (all seats full). Yes, so the teacher took attendance, thuroughly confused me by not calling my name, and then he informed me there was another sheet for AP kids. Up until that point, I thought there were really that many kids in AP MT xD He's a really funny guy. And I really want to know what class is going to be like with the two simultaneous classes going on.

Individual Sports:
Approx class size: doesn't matter. I had the teacher sign my exemption form. Tomorrow I will turn it into the counselor and enroll in foods I.

Band! (two periods):
Approx class size: 130 students (we doubled and barely have enough space in our room!). Since we had a half hour, Ms E actually got a lot done. We have two days this week before a parade on Saturday. We haven't practiced parade marching at all. Oh boy.

AP French:
Approx class size: 15 students. I think that after a couple weeks, we will be expected to parler francais seulement pour l'anne. Je vais mourir! Also, everything is to be typed. I don't know how to insert the accent marks (which is why that probably won't work in a translator if you try it) in a word document, nor how to switch the language to french (so that the whole doc isn't underlined in red). We were given our first assignment, due on Monday that we will be working on in class all week. We were informed that we must purchase a $40 book for the class. Outlook not good.

AP Calc BC:
Approx class size: 20 students. The teacher is hilarious, and was unable to take attendance because he talked for too long. This will definitely be a fun class. And unlike last year, I have an established acquaintance going into the class. My friend Kendra's friend who I have met once before is in the class, and she didn't seem to have any friends in the class either.

And then after dinner, I went to Walmart to buy school supplies. I now posses three beautiful binders that I will most definitely be investing the time in making a good cover to go in the slip... Particularly considering all of them but my french binder are pure white and of the same size.

Tomorrow will be interesting to say the least. I'm definitely going to get pulled out of class by my counselor at some point during the day, and I have so much to do in the morning that I'm not sure I'll get it all done (get a signature from the athletic's department then drop off the form in the counselor's office, drop off my instrument and music, and drop of my binders). There's a good chance I will have to wait to drop off the binders until after 1st period. I might even be lucky to get the athletic director's signature... Arg =/

That's all folks
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: Marisa, I replied about the summer homework on my last proper post.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm very pissed off right now, so I'm just going to make this message clear.

If I have made no indication that I want you to know about this place, because I want some of my own damn privacy, then please FUCK OFF.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Current Status

AP Econ: just needs to be printed out =)

AP French: I read the first, and longest passage. I will pretend I didn't think we were supposed to actually do the last activity, because I like my sanity. Three passages to go

AP English: I've looked up spark notes. I'm still trying to figure out how exactly you annotate a book. Estimation that this will take eight hours to read and annotate. This is the max estimation, just in case.

When I will be waking up: 5:35
When I will go back to sleep: 6:10
When I will wake up again: 8:00
When I will be at the library: 9:00-11:30
When I will eat lunch: 11:45ish-12:30ish
When I will have my tuba lesson: 1:00-1:30
When I will be at the library: 2:00-6:30
When I will pick up my mom: 7:00
When I will eat: Sometime after 7:00
When I will be done with summer homework: ???

See you on the other side!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Another Post Today

Ah, no reason at all for two posts in a day, but you know what, I'm gonna roll with it.

So I did a little bit of work, and I know it's going to bite me in the ass later, but tomorrow I'm going to be in the library for about ten hours, so I figure I'll get to make it up later. Plus I feel like starting to read catch 22 just because I want to, so I probably will tonight. Really, I would have started reading it days ago if I didn't have to annotate (see: has never annotated an English book before).

Anyways, I was reading through a QA Ally Carter did in the comments section of one of her blog posts, and it reminded me of something I figured out a few days ago.

See, I've been sort of picking at writing this one story for a while. The problem was that I couldn't figure out what to do with it. I had two clear characters, one, a girl who has parents that work for a university and considers herself to have been an "alone child" (basically, though she may not be able to declare it as such, she snubbed all of her peers at a young age simply because she thought she was smarter -very true, and overall just better than them -not very true), and the other, a rich girl with an abusive father who has rebelling against the conforms of her world for a very long time.

The story, as it had been written, centered around their meeting around the age of ten and becoming friends. Then it was to be alternating chapters, Mina (the alone girl) telling the story of what was going on before she jumped in front of a bullet to save her friend who had less reason to be alive, and Chastity telling the story after Mina jumps, explaining the repercussions, until finally, with both characters perspectives finally in place, the story of that day is retold.

Now, I tend to write best when there is introspection involved. In fact, all of the fanfics I've finished ever (ie: the oneshots I've written), are focused on introspection. I generally suck at plot. But it hit me a few days ago that there was a plot, and I just hadn't found it yet. Right now, I have about fifteen pages of introspection with very little plot or dialogue or interaction whatsoever. I've been showing an internal monologue, not telling a story.

But anyways, all that build up was to basically say that the plot has hit me in the face like a fish, and I will now be rewriting everything, and hopefully I will actually be interested to see where it goes this time. And no, I will not tell you the plot. I will only tell you that the characters remain the same, and the structure of the story (back and forth, past and present) will still exist... I think.

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Attack of the Spaz

I still have homework to do, and if it were truly up to me, I would have been at the library a half hour ago, because I have real issues with focusing while I'm at home, because I associate home with relaxation and the internet and heroes marathons... The problem is that we don't have any food in my house, so my mom went to the grocery store an hour ago... and still isn't back. My food is going to take sixteen minutes to cook, not including preheating time, then I need to eat and pack up all of my stuff to go to the library. By the time I get there it will probably be 2:30, only leaving me 3:30 hours to work when I could have had five. And I don't have any money, so I can't go hang out at starbucks. I've actually way overspent and dipped into my savings this allowance period, because the borders by my house was closing, so I spent $40 on books there, plus almost $20 to get a copy of Catch 22 so I wouldn't have to read Pride and Prejudice... Not to mention I spent a fair chunk of my money buying lunch during band camp and seeing harry potter again with Justin. So basically right now I'm stressed. I have to finish four more chapters of econ, do all my french, do all my english. I'm going to get through all of my econ today no matter what, and hopefully half of my french. Then I have my mom's car tomorrow and tuesday, so after I drop my mom off I'm going to go straight to the library, stay there until about one, then go get lunch somewhere and stay there as long as I can before going home. Two days straight. Hopefully I won't have to pull an all nighter tuesday, because even with school only being about ten minutes per class (basically meet your teacher, get your seat, and get a syllabus), I want to be alert. And I have to talk to the councellor too so that I can get put into foods I straight away so that I actually graduate...


Okay, I'm done. And I apologize for the length of that paragraph. I need to get back into the groove of regular blogging, because when I don't, this all gets stuck in my head.

Also, Marisa made me think about school supplies, so here is my tentative school supply list:

~5 two inch binders (one per AP class)
~1 one inch binder (for foods)
~A few folders (one for extra handouts, then you never know when else you'll need a folder)
~A new box of crayons (I used them a lot in Euro, and now they are very dull, so I need a new pack... maybe 96? =D)
~A hole punch (because some teachers don't hole punch, and I need my binders)
~A new box of pencils (I had a box of about a hundred that lasted me two and a half years, but I killed it at the end of last year)
~A pack of loose leaf paper
~A pack of loose leaf graphing paper
~five spirals (one for every AP class except calc, and one for doodles. But not any big ones, because it's inevitable that I'll run out of paper, and I'd rather not be wasteful)
~Some of those tab post it notes for annotations

I can't wait to go shopping.

And it's nearly two and my mom isn't back yet. I'd skip lunch, but I didn't eat breakfast, and my tummy is rumbling. WHY?????

Okay, I'm done
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Senior year

The fact that I am going to be a senior is hitting me like crazy right now.

Senior photos, college applications, college essays, homework that I have only a week and a half left to do, senior lunch option, band camp, not being able to get a parking pass, looking for audition music... All of these things just made it hit me that I will be a senior in just ten days.

I don't want to take senior photos. I hate photos, but I have to because it's for the stupid year book. I like it better when I can just sit, get my pic for the yearbook, then go eat lunch.

College applications and essays are just honestly scaring me right now. When am I going to have time to do them? What do I talk about in those essays? Who am I gonna use for recommendations? AHH!

Homework status: halfway through econ book and questions. Still need to do rest of econ, four passages of french, and read and annotate a book for English with a review. Ten days left. My goal is to finish econ today. Although I might do french instead...

Senior lunch option costs 25 dollars. There will be no point though, because I have no way to leave school, and I won't even be able to use it until marching season is over in October.

Band camp was just madness. Half our band is freshman (total band size, 130 students. We no longer fit easily into the band room). At the part at the college in Wisconsin for three days, every single senior had fits of "I'm never going to do this again" that I didn't experience, because it was only my second time at camp, and I'd basically wiped my first experience out of my head (because it was simply bad). They had all the seniors take a picture together before we left. On the way back home, all of the seniors on my bus sat in the back and talked about how weird it was to be seniors now.

I can't get a parking pass, because my dad says that $150 and random drug testing in order to be able to take one car (the pass is a sticker) to school on rare occasions (I would have to get the car from my mom) is ridiculous. I do see the random drug testing as a bit of a stretch, but there really are days that having a car would make my life way easier. I have to stay after school a lot simply because I wouldn't be able to get a ride back for jazz band or extra marching rehearsal or winter guard. Also, there is no point to having senior lunch option if I can't go anywhere, because all of my friends are gonna be sophmores, so I'd have no one else to swindle into doing SLO with me on random days.

And then audition music. Some schools start auditions in December, others don't start until March... And yet they already want you to start scheduling them NOW. That's just hella scary. I haven't even looked at any audition music. I'm still trying to figure out what they want you to audition on. =/

So there is the stress that begins senior year. This year is going to take forever.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Friday, August 5, 2011


Hey you, person who is reading this.

Today may not be the best day. Today may have been the most tiring day you've had in ages. Today you may have heard the worst news ever. Maybe everything is catching up to you today.

Well you know what? When I feel that way I need someone to tell me that everything is gonna be okay.

So here it goes.

Everything is going to be okay, you have people in your life that love you and can take care of you. The glass is half full, the sun will come up tomorrow, and eventually all that is bad in the world will be the past. So crash on the bed and cry, take a breath, and just remember everything is gonna be okay =)

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Okay boys, here's what I need you to get through your heads NOW.

I cannot text every minute of every freaking day, I have summer homework that I've put off, work, and friends that I don't get to see because of work. When I have band camp next week and don't text at all, are you going to disown me or something? Because that's what I'm gonna think if you keep this up.

Stop taking back everything that you say because you think it has made me mad. Be confident about yourself damn it. I do not need a yes man for a boyfriend. Nor do any other girls that aren't straight up bullies.

That said, if I say something hasn't made me mad, then for the love of god, why think it's made me mad? I'm not trying to be confusing, I'm just trying to

I leave for work really early, and I was trying to go to sleep at nine, until the sound of my phone going off with your texts made me so mad that I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep for a while.

I love you is not a suitable phrase to use when you've been going out for a couple of days and have known each other for a week. This rule has no exceptions! And that includes misspellings of words to be cutesy and pretend that it doesn't mean anything. When did people start thinking you have to be in love to go out at all? THIS IS NOT HOW LIFE WORKS

And here's what I need to get through my head very fast as well.

Deciding to date a boy and go against the decision you made several months ago to not date anyone because you will be leaving for college in a year, take five AP classes next year, and just a general amount of business in your life, is not smart. It will make you angry at the boy to somewhat unfair lengths just because you are mad at yourself for being so stupid.

Yeah, if you caught on to what is going on there, I have had a boyfriend for two days, and he has been a nightmare. The problem is he is just the sweetest, nerdiest boy, and I'm his first girlfriend, so I have no idea if what will hurt him most in the long run: breaking up with him in the first few days of his first relationship, or going on with it when I don't want to and effectively skewing his perception of what a relationship is supposed to be.

I'm so stupid for getting myself into this mess
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This Will Never End

I've been putting off making this blog post for a while. I've wanted to write it for weeks, but then I found out I wasn't going at midnight, and then on Sunday, once my plans had been completely made to see it at midnight anyway (I'm going to visit Courtney at her sister's house, and we are going at midnight, and then she is taking me back the next morning, and my dad had already agreed before he realized what night it was so I'm in) I decided I would write this the next day. Then the power went out because of a mondo storm. So here I am.

People are freaking out over "the end of Harry Potter" but here's the thing, everyone did that for the books. They freaked out, and then they realized there would be the movies, and that the community completely outweighs the lack of new material. Yes, the fandom has died down a bit, but it's still there, and I think that the people that are here, right now, in this fandom, they are not going anywhere. We are a group as tight knit as any. We have bands and cosplay and fanfiction and forums and unofficial rpg sites and friendship.

Not only that, but this isn't the end. Pottermore is coming. That is enough to keep me from breaking down about how sad this is. I am going to be able to explore the world like nobody's business. We might FINALLY know the names of those two remaining Gryffindor girls in Harry's year! (that seems completely silly, but trust me, it is major for me. Now there will be fanfiction about two girls who matter to the storyline in no way whatsoever. YAY!) We will know if any of the professors are married, or just....

Really, the wealth of knowledge waiting is enough to keep me there.

And then we must go on to some recent statements of JK Rowling. She used to, before the 7th book was coming out say, anytime that she was asked, that there would never be more Potter books. Now, she says you never know. The idea that there could be a book or books about Albus and Scorpius makes me happy.

So while I am going to go through the nostalgia for these next few days, rereading the rest of HP (I'm in the middle of the 4th. I might have to skip the 5th. I can't skip the 6th, cuz it always comes as a package with the 7th to me, and I'd be stupid to skip the 7th.) I'm going to watch HP7P1 again, and my ipod will be exclusively playing wrock for the next few days. But it's not over, it will never be over, and I can't wait for what the future brings this fandom.

Also, I know that you don't dedicate blog posts, but this one needs to be dedicated to Kat (thanks for the Jacket) and Courtney (thanks for convincing your parents to come early enough to let you see this last movie with me). You two just... you know why this post is dedicated to you.

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Things I Don't Understand

I don't understand tumblr. I have no idea how it works and it honestly scares me from the vague things I see. If I was given a tumblr, I don't think anyone would ever see me again.

I don't understand bikini waxing, or really waxing in general. PAIN!

Also, uh, landscaping down there. What is it supposed to look like if you do anything? It doesn't seem like it would be a good idea to shave down there...

What the big deal about gay marriage is. I mean, why do people think it's wrong? It touches them in no way whatsoever...

Speaking of gay marriage, why do people not realize this video is making fun of people against gay marriage? The majority of the comments are negative, but it's a great video.

Why people think it's strange that when I'm done with college I want to just move to Montana and have my own life. What's wrong with Montana?

Why America has been a great democracy for so long, yet so many people are prudes.

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I hate saying that I'm bored, I really do. I'm the person who says that only boring people are bored, or tries to give them something else to do, but I have to admit it now, I AM BORED.

So f***ing bored.

Nobody texts me back, they all do things together without thinking to invite me despite the fact that I can take my bike and be over in two minutes. Anytime I try to plan anything, everyone backs out right before it works out.

And then I'm working down where I used to live, and my parents seem to have this fantasy built up in their heads that I still talk to everyone down there, and I am friends with them, and could just pop by without planning waaaaay in advance. The only person I'm really friends with down there is Niki.

I have to work from 4 to 830 on the 4th of July as well, which means missing out on this awesome party that I've been anticipating for about a month. And my dad says I can't go see Harry Potter at midnight, which I have been anticipating since he said I couldn't see the last movie. THIS IS THE LAST THING I GET TO DO RELATED TO HARRY POTTER, AND I CAN'T DO IT!

I don't mean to complain so much, it's just that I normally can always find something to look at on the bright side, and today and yesterday I have seen NOTHING. My video game even revolted against me completely unfairly. It lost one of my characters halfway through the level, and I had to go and restart because I needed the character to even be able to move on.

AUGH *headdesk*
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Friday, June 24, 2011

Yay for another month of blogging failed?

So since this week in Nerdfighteria has sort of been about religion I felt like a post about it. Because I made a comment on the latest video that said this:

I'm agnostic mostly because I can't see how defining things I don't actually know is going to help me in the long run. I believe in Nerdfighteria's power, and friendship, and love (of all kinds), and general human kindness and the empathy of the overall human condition.... And I know for a fact that these things have a wonderful power to believe in because I see it every day =)

And it made me think, because I truly do think and believe that.

I've been to church only a few times. Once with my grandmother, then around times with my friends Courtney and Ashley, who are Catholic and used to bring me when I stayed over. I also went to Courtney and Ashley's teen church group a couple of times, which was more about having fun than being religious. A lot of people in that group were not Catholic.

My friends really believe in God. And I believe that they are right to do that. Their church has given them a lot, and they have given it a lot. When we were all living in the same place, they (as well as my friend Corey, who is a non-specified Christian, and my friend Jessica who was very severe about her church and following God) used to teach me a lot about Christianity and what it means to be involved in religion, a whole lot of stuff that I never knew, and that I'm glad to know.

I don't want to diss religion or anything like that by saying that I'm agnostic. I'm agnostic because I don't know. I don't know anything about God, or Death, or Miracles, or anything like that. I'm not an athiest because I think that just like I don't know enough about those things to say they are real, I don't, and won't ever know enough about those things to say they are not - at least not while I am a living contributor to this planet.

Now, despite not being any sort of religious person, I think I still share a lot of the things that are at the center of every religion. I believe in love, in friendship, in humanity, in the mind, in tolerance, and hard work, and kindness, and sincerity, and a lot of other things that there is nearly no religion that disagrees (I must say nearly, because the Westboro Baptist Church is a good example of religion that doesn't stress tolerance and love, and I'm sure there are other, smaller denominations that don't either, I'm speaking in general).

I believe in these things because I see their value every day. I see friends doing good for each other. I see kindness in doors held open, and thank yous and you're welcomes. I see tolerance in the bill on same sex marriage in New York to hopefully be passed this evening. I see sincerity in these kind actions. I see hard work pay off as friends go to college with good grades they've worked for, or gain promotions from their hard work. I see love in parents and lovers and friends and family. I feel love as I spill my heart out to some people I really have come to see as close and amazing friends not just in this post, but in phone calls and emails and random letters and texts.

I love you!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: I woke up at 4:30 this morning in order to go to my first day of work (had to go with my dad, he leaves early). I fell asleep around 12:30. I hit slap happy at three this afternoon. So I really hope this wasn't all nonesense, because I am tired and slappy and surviving on the good grace of caffeine from my many cherry cokes.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

BEDiJ day 21

Spent yesterday almost exactly as I said, but minus chipotle and plus pizza hut delivery.

Today I rode my bike like a mad woman, ten miles. I will be so happy when school starts and my tuba lessons can just be at my school during lunch instead of at 1 at the other high school in our district that's about five miles from my house aaaah. I went to see super 8 with Rachael as well today, so that was fun. I hope I can get in some more portal co-op tonight, but I don't think it'll happen what with the cubs/sox series going on. I wouldn't be able to get that remote from my dad unless he was dead, and even then...

My head hurts. Too much water loss from sweat. And my eye is hurting for like the second day in a row. It's not even allergy related, because I took some medicine before taking my bike to the school (there are a LOT of flowers on the way). So I have no idea, and I really just wanna sit here and let my head fall off.

Oh I forgot. My training wasn't today because they haven't finished background checks. I swear, summer will be over by the time I start my summer job.

Also, I am going to wake up at 6am Thursday to see JK Rowling's announcement ASAP. IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!!!

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Monday, June 20, 2011

BEDiJ day 20

I am making this post early, and probably really short, because today is my last day of freedom before work, and I have to seize the day and all that crap.

I'm gonna eat some leftover waffles, and watch either secret life, lost, or doctor who while I eat. After that, cram in some video games. Then for lunch I should finally be introducing my friend Hope to chipotle (chipotle is my mecca. I've likely mentioned this before a lot, but I wrote a freaking ode to burrito bowl because I missed chipotle so much in Hawaii), so that's gonna be a half hour walk there and a half hour walk back, plus about a half hour there eating. Then once I get home, Niki should hopefully be able to play portal 2, so I'll do that, and then far too soon, my dad will be home, but he won't be much of a bother, because he has class at seven that means leaving at six to get to and eating before that. My mom will probably be home around 6:30, but she goes to sleep around eight nearly every day, sooooo. Yeah.

Yes, so this is how my day should go. If it deviates from the plans, well, you'll find out tomorrow.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: This may sound really weird, but Naked Economics is a really good and interesting book. It's nonfiction, but I guarantee you'll find it in a library or at Borders or B&N and love it. READ IT. Seriously. DO IT.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

BEDiJ day 19

Eh, it was a post on the right day...


I spent almost all of yesterday driving. See, my parents let me go to the park nearish to my house with my friend Rachael, and it is far enough away, yet close enough that I got to drive there. Then everything ended really early because only 6 of us turned up out of the nearly 15 people who said they were going to come. So I asked my mom if I could go to the gas station down the road from us, and she said yes. I decided that since I this would be my last bit of driving for the day I would take the long way with stop lights (shhhh), and then Rachael and I hung out at my house for a while (mostly because I missed the turn into her neighborhood, but whatever, it's hard to see street signs!)

I gotta say, Rachael is really bad at video games, I won't deny it, and she blatantly complains about it. But she lets that keep her from trying again. The thing with video games is that you can't just quit when you're not doing well. You're supposed to get extremely angry and keep playing until you throw the remote at the tv (a benefit to the wiimote is most definitely the strap). I remember playing super mario world for hours as a kid. In general I never got past the first island (I always started a new game), because I was afraid of the ghosts, but at least I know that because of that I got good. It makes me sad that Rachael won't let me guide her that much. I'm almost positive that the only reason I got good with video games was because my dad dragged me along while playing lego star wars... And because I had a GBA, and really, I was playing all the time. But still!

So while Rachael was over, my parents walked to "beach fest" which is basically just a really lame way of trying to fix not having an ocean nearby. And my mom told me that when I go drop off Rachael at home to go to walmart and drop off our red box dvd. But we were still playing mario kart when my parents got home, so when I left to go drop of Rachael and the movie my mom decided to make me go get salsa from this local taqueria we eat at a lot, but get chips from walmart, so I dragged Rachael along for all of that as well (cuz I certainly wasn't going to do all that alone). So yeah, that was fun. First day with my license and I got to drive around a lot, and with the exception of in one case going about 5 miles under the speed limit (out of immediate fear of "I am driving by myself for the first time"), I think I did well.

Oh, a fun fact gleamed from yesterday, my dad got his first ticket in the first week that he had his license xD He says I'm not allowed to get my first ticket till my second week. Good job dad.

But after that busy day I spent today in bed watching youtube (after getting up early to make dad breakfast for father's day... generic brand pancake/waffle mix from walmart is really good for pancakes, and really bad for waffles) and listening to Molly Lewis sing about a deranged astronaut. And then after dinner I watched the third Indiana Jones movie with my dad, which means that tomorrow while I do my "last day of freedom before having to go in for work daily" video game binge (which should include portal 2 co-op with the lovely Niki*), I will be playing more lego Indiana Jones.

Hope you've had a lovely day celebrating your dad's sperm (or ability to fill out adoption paperwork and pass government inspection)!

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

*Neither of us has mics, but we've managed to do well without them, except for in one circumstance where I had to call her because we were failing at using the stupid timers.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I can haz it...

Yush, this is a random CELEBRATION POST.


Ok, celebration overs. I gots my license, I'm going to the park around noon, I just realized I spelled license correctly... Yup, today is a good day.

See y'all later tonight for BEDiJ!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Friday, June 17, 2011

BEDiJ day 17

I went to work with my dad today. I don't have TB, yay! And tomorrow is take 2 on the driver's test. Double yay! I hope that if I get my license, I can drive to the park tomorrow for the water fight/capture the flag game my friend Savannah is hosting.

I still can't spell license. I want to spell it liscence. That is wrong. Must fix now.

Also, it's my dad's birthday, and my mom didn't realize it because all day she thought today was the 16th. She'd even been filling out important paperwork with the wrong date*, and then she came home, found out it was my dad's birthday, and made me have to ditch out of my skype date with Courtney very early in order to go find a german chocolate cake. Hopefully Courtney and I can resume our date soon.

Also, there is pizza sauce on my shirt
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

*Though I don't blame her. If I wasn't doing this, I'd forget what day it is with ease.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

BEDiJ day 16

More of the same I suppose.

I'm just tired, and I just spent a half hour trying to get my dog to stop spazzing and trying to get through my door. I watched more secret life, I made dinner...

I'm just thinking a lot I suppose. It's a bit depressing though, stuff I usually think about, like how I miss people and everyone is growing up, and it all just seems crazy.

I mean, if my life goes according to my plans, I'll be moving to Montana in five years. Not many people with certainty say they want to move to Montana, you know?

I think I just want roots of some sort. I mean, I have roots, but I've been moved so often that the roots only have time enough to grow to a point that it hurts when they must be broken so I can be moved and go grow roots elsewhere.

But I really don't want roots here. There's nothing to do here. People in general just don't get along with me the way I wish they would. Nobody around here really understands how great of opportunities they are given here. They take it for granted, and I just don't think I ever could. And the landscape is dull, the city is rather uninteresting. There are no giant bodies of water nearby with real beaches. People don't just go to the beach here. People don't just get called up and agree to go somewhere.

I miss the bus. Hawaii has the most marvelous bus system, and there are sidewalks everywhere. When I ride my bike to my lessons, I nearly get run over by a lot of cars. All I can keep thinking is "what if there were side walks around here, or a bus". There also aren't a lot of crosswalks. Not anywhere useful anyways.

And I think worst of all, I hate that my best friend is about 1000 miles away. She knows who she is. I miss her. Can't wait to see her. But then she'll just be gone again. Really, I've never been able to talk to someone as much as I can talk to her... Okay, exception made for my 2nd boyfriend, but that's a whole different issue, and doesn't really matter.

I'm tired. It's 11:11. I just made my wish.

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: Wanna add me as a friend on facebook? My full first name is Jessamyn, and there's a sandwich stuffed in my face in my profile picture.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

BEDiJ day 15

Ah, my day has just been too crazy, and honestly stressful.

Maybe I'm just destined to be an entirely stressed person for the rest of my life. I was reading through my yearbook from sophomore year, and my band director had told me to relax. I thought the true spazzyness had started this year, but I guess it's been there all along.

Anyways, lines got crossed and dumb stuff like that, which I don't really feel like getting into.

I need to post up my summer homework to my bulletin board, and the form my English t

Ok sorry, need to interrupt. My dog was in the closet of my room without my knowledge WHATSOEVER. She just suddenly is moving around when my dad comes home. I even remember closing the door to keep her out!

As I was saying, I also need to post up the form my English teacher gave us for getting letters of recommendation or simular forms done by her. So I need to post that up too, because I'll probably be going to her the moment that they post applications online. She'd probably write me an amazing recommendation.

Thing to add to list that I keep adding stuff to, but never actually remember what is on: recommendation has two M's, not two C's

I will somewhat dorkily admit that I started rewatching secret life of the american teenager. The show actually used to be somewhat good and believable, and so now I'm really just waiting for it to go completely bad... It's actually quite fun.

Shailene Woodley and India Eisley are both gorgeous as well... And India is even in my dating range!

You know how to calculate that right? Minimum dating range is your age divided by two, plus 7. Your max is your age minus 7, times 2. So my range is from 15 to 18.

Ok, right, I'm done pretending I have the chance of getting a television actress... but still! xD

Right, I'm off to go read a fanfic, and then watch some more secret life.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: I just saw that HPFF (my favorite fanfic site that is not fanfiction net [fanfiction net doesn't count because it contains fanfiction to fill everything I want to read about, and every other fanfiction site that exists is specific to its own certain fandom]) is down for weeks while Jay goes through and reads all of the code of the site for bugs. I'm sad, but I really do believe that a bug-less site will be worth it, and I will send all of the krispe kremes his way that I can! hehe

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BONUS (to make up for skipping a day)

1. What are your initials?

2. What is your favorite thing to wear?
Right now it's my jean shorts, but I'm also really fond of my rather new skirt. (It's got this absolutely gorgeous floral print. Its only problem is that I don't have many shirts I can wear with it, because I have too many print shirts.)

3. Last thing you ate?
an ice cream sandwich

4. One place you will NEVER eat at?
Any place that has uncooked fish as their focus. I've never failed to get sick after eating raw fish

5. I say Shotgun, you say:
Dude, I don't even know who you ARE.

6. Last person you hugged?
My momma

7. Does anyone you know wanna date you?
Possibly. It depends how much I should trust random callers with pertinent information

8. Would you date anyone you met online?
Yes. Who am I to stop it if I fall in nerdfighterlike?

9. Name something you like physically about yourself:
I love my eyes.

10. The last place you went out to dinner to?
Fast food-jimmy john's, sit down- this amazing french restaurant in Chicago

11. Who is your best friend?
Courtney (who has posted on here before)

12. What time of the day is it?
11:46 PM

13. Who/What made you angry today?
The man who rang the doorbell and made me think I was getting a random friend visit.

14. Baseball or Football?
Baseball. Always.

15. Ever gone skinny dipping?

16. Favorite type of Food?
The kind that magically allows me to lose weight while being healthy and tasting like pizza.

17. Favorite holiday:
I overindulge in Christmas a bit... =)

18. Do you download music:
Ah, depends on your connotation with that

19. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
When I put them on? Yes

20. Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoos?
Stupid if you don't check before you go

21. Would you date the person who posted this?
I'm getting this from a survey site. I am the begining!

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
Not in a romantic manner... In an embarassing manner though, totally

23. Do you love anyone?
I love a lot of people.

24. Are colored contact lenses sexy?
They're stupid. Most people's eyes are prettier than people think

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?

26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?
Another I WANT TO!

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
I'm not attractive in the traditional sense of the word... by which I mean hot or sexy. So no.

28. How many pets do you have?
One, my puppy cloudy, who is actually old, but I still love her <3

29. Have you met a real redneck?
you make it sound like that's a big deal. And yes, many people.

30. How is the weather right now?
My phone says it's cloudy and 61 degrees

31. What are you listening to right now?
The sound of my laptop's fan.

32. What is your current favorite song?
Dancing Queen by Abba, or Chasing Pavements by Adele

33. What was the last movie you watched?
Pirates of the Carribean... The new one.

34. Do you wear contacts?
No, glasses all the way ;)

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
To a high school and back via bike, with a stop at mcdonalds for their fries (I'm addicted)

36. What are you afraid of?
Being alone. Not like by myself, but seriously alone. This actually is responsible for a lot of my problems with depression in 7th/8th grade

37. How many piercings have you had?
Two, one for each ear... Though I've had my ears pierced three times (they closed again and again)

38. What piercings do you want?
no more, I'm good with just ears, and I'm not a jewelry type person

39. What's one thing you've learned this year?
How to stress as destructively as possible... and perhaps time management

40. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Venti Hot Chocolate. It's cheaper than everything else I like in their smallest sizes

41. What Magazines are you reading?
I read books

42. Have you ever fired a gun:
Water gun?

43. Are you missing someone?
A lot of people

44. Favorite TV show?
Fringe, followed closely by Glee

45. Do you have an obession with WoW?
Nope, and my fear of addiction keeps me from playing even though I have a free pass for a month

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
I was compared to the lady who plays moaning mrytle... as moaning mrytle

47. What celeb do you look like?
The bullying wasn't far off.

48. Who would you like to see right now?

49. Favorite movie of all time?
I have no idea. I really liked the Truman Show, but that just can't be it

50. Do you find yourself loved?
I believe so

51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't suppose to?
Plenty of things.

52. Favorite smell?
My friend Corey's jacket. Totally crazy, but totally true

53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
Butter AND salt. Can't have just one.

54. Ever put a friend in a cop car on JukePix.com?
I do not recognize this website

55. Ever been in a cop car in real life?
yes. My friend and I were saved from being washed away in a crazy storm

56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away recently?
Few people have died that I knew, let alone close people.

57. Our Lady Peace or Nickelback?

58. What's something that really bugs you?
People who fall through on plans at the last minute

59. Do you like Michael Jackson?
I like some of his work

60. Taco Bell or Burger King?
Taco Bell

61. What's your favorite perfume?
I don't have any.

62. Favorite baseball team?
White sox, but it's to avoid being disowned by my dad. I actually love the Mariners and Ichiro

63. Ever call a 1-900 phone number?
Uh, no?

64. Nipple or Nose rings?

65. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
About 24 hours for my friend's church lock in.

66. Last time you went bowling?
sadly, in Hawaii. I used to bowl a lot more.

67. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
The floor of the band bus to Texas. I got claustrophobic with people's legs over my head

68. Who was your last phone call?
My mom cuz she couldn't find her phone.

69. Last time you were at work?

70. What's the closest orange object to you?
A folder with paperwork I was supposed to fill out today.

BEDiJ day 14

Yes, I missed a day. But I was gone nearly all day, and I went to an absolutely amazing signing. I recorded almost all of it (except not all of it, because at one point I had only 5 mins left, and I still wanted to take pics. I missed the last question, but I have it all on my camera, and it's waiting to go up on youtube).

I met some really awesome nerdfighter girls there... In fact, there was only one of the male species there to get his books signed I believe. But yeah, met some awesome nerdfighters. And I found out about the chicago nerdfighter's facebook group.

I won a book! AH I just...

I don't know how to explain it other than saying it was so very fun and awesome, and I give lots of love and props to my mom for being willing to drive me there and back, because it was far away, and we decided it would be better for a sleepy experienced driver to drive at night, than a sleepy inexperienced one.

Oh, and I know I already said I got the job, but I now know 100% that I will be working in the same center as my mom. This means I will be working exclusively with school agers. It also means that I can kidnap my friend from his ridiculously long working hours (for a high schooler anyways. I know it's summer, but a full time job is kind of ridiculous), and take him to lunch. He's working in the same town, but the difference between me and him is that he knows absolutely NO one in that town, so I'm planning on kidnapping him every once in a while so that the grueling oppression of work does not destroy him.

Wow, that sounded morbid. I just feel bad he's working full time is all...

Oh, and I forgot to mention, the absolute BEST thing said at the signing (I am paraphrasing). "John Green has the most disgusting laptop. It's like he keeps a sandwich in there. You open it, and birds literally fly out." And then she called boys gross, and the one boy at the signing was like "hey!" I promise, this will be posted on youtube eventually (actually, rather soon I should think, because I need the space on my camera that I completely filled up).

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: I rode my bike again to attend my tuba lesson. The ride back was more relaxing than the ride there, but it's more of an uphill battle on the way home... I also stopped and got fries from McDonalds... Sue me.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

BEDiJ day 12

Are you aware that there are only 32 days until The Deathly Hallows P2 comes out?

I started reading those books when I was SEVEN. Now I'm sixteen. That's nine flipping years, and now there won't be anything new (well, except for lego HP year 5-7, which should be coming out around the holidays) for just about the rest of my life.

I can't think of much more to say, I'm just sort of stunned in thought.

I'm about to be off to see Wynton Marsalis very soon. Other than Louis Armstrong, he is just about the only jazz that I listen to. Really, it's pretty funny, I've never been to a rock or a pop concert, but I've been to so many classical and jazz concerts. I mean, I know I'm a nerd, but I've got to say, I really doubt this was a future that 5 year old me could imagine. Five year old me wanted to do cheerleading, and made dances to pop songs... While in my spare time, reading books and doing math for fun (actually, minus the cheerleading part, I'm not much different... really, replace cheerleading with winter guard, and make sure that pop from the 70s is well included for dancing, I still do all of these things).

I am such a nerd xD
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: I almost forgot. There is currently panic in my household because last minute job things mean I MIGHT NOT GET TO MEET MJ. Which, honestly, if I can't, I will cry. No doubt about it. I have ten books (for MJ), plus three books (for Sara M and Susane C), and a toilet plunger to get signed (yes, I decided on toilet plunger... but just the plunger head. You use it in jazz stuff. I stole it from my old high school on accident)... And I know I've been talking about it a lot, but it's because I am so fracking excited, and if this doesn't happen I will cry, and cry, and cry.

PPS: Dude, I FORGOT TO POST THIS. I wrote this in the morning, and now it's ten at night. Epic. Fail.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

BEDiJ day 11

It may seem like the stupidest realization to make in the world, BUT I have finally realized why I have felt happy, and had so much energy lately.

1) I am getting all the sleep I need (admittedly, sometimes more than I need, but generally I'm asleep between 11:30 and midnight, and awake between 8 and 9, although today I got up at 11)
2) I have time to do chores when I am asked to do them, and because I don't actually have a zillion other obligations to worry about at the same time, I do them and it's actually relaxing. I find I actually like the house to be clean when it isn't one of a million other things to do.
3) No homework, or studying. These two things actually seem to be the major cause of my issues, because lack of time means lack of sleep and fun and time and proper eating habits
4) I am not eating a buttload of crap, and when I do eat crap, it is not me gorging, it's me just enjoying something sweet
5) I am getting exercise that does not include lugging around a 20 lb backpack (I have weighed it!)
6) I have time to read (which makes me think critically, and is something enjoyable) without having to do it while a health video plays in the background. I'd actually forgotten how good I am at reading books far too fast.

So yeah, those are just some of a lot of different reasons that I have found myself to be much more happy lately.

Oh, I've just thought of another one: Money is not an issue for fun things when 3/4's of your allowance don't go towards the purchase of school lunch - which actually is rather stressful surprisingly enough.

After I am done reading "The Off Season" by Catherine Gilbert Murdock I think I am going to read paper towns again, as I just watched a lot of the end of 2008 and the begining 0f 2009, and they talk about paper towns a lot and it makes me want to read it again... Also Looking for Alaska. This is why I buy books, to read for the rest of my life.

That's all for now I suppose... Um. I feel very uninteractive.

RANDOM QUESTION OF THE DAY: If you were to be a mythical/sci-fi creature (eg: unicorn, zombie, dragon, basilisk, mockingjay, vampire, whatever), what would you be, why, and during the ultimate fight for survival is it more important to be ruthless or pragmatic as a minority* mythical/sci-fi creature?

Best Wishes!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

*By minority, I mean like vampires are a minority (they tend to be pragmatic in the fiction I read), at the start of any zombie outbreak, zombies are a minority (until they take over being ruthless), or the jabberjays which became mockingjays were not ruthless, but not pragmatic but simply did what instinct told them to do, and survived.

Friday, June 10, 2011

BEDiJ day 10

So don't tell my mom this, but I'm actually happy the doctor told her that she really needs to eat better... Because it means we have carrot sticks and grapes in the house.

I finished Gimme a Call, definitely a good book that I would definitely recommend. And thus, it is definitely getting signed on Monday... Assuming Monday happens, due to...

Dun dun da da! Good news!

I semi-sort of have a job! By semi-sort of I mean, I got a call this morning (and my phone decided to completely malfunction and not let me make or receive calls both times that I got called. My phone was basically only good for texting until about 11:30 when it randomly started working again), and when I called back I was told that they would like to offer me a job! But they need two references from me, as my English teacher and my Band Director did not reply back to them. So then I had the woman who I babysat for in the past when I had recently finished sixth grade (the amount of people I babysat after the 9th grade includes no one. Before that, it includes three people. It's just what happens when none of your parents' friends have kids, and you move around too often to keep contacts), and my used to be best friend, but as of late, really good texting buddy and reminiscence buddy's mom as a reference (I talk to her mom a lot on facebook, and I used to spend a lot of time at their house). My friend's mom actually called me back right after she called, and then proceeded to tell me, word for word, what she was asked and what she answered. Really, I love this woman =)

But how this affects Monday, is that I might be needed at the center near the naval base to fill out paperwork. What my mom is hoping, is that it's paperwork they have at the center where she works, so I can just fill out the paperwork there, and we can go straight to the signing after she's done with work. This plan involves me either taking the train to her sometime during the day, and then walking over to the center, OR me going with my mom to work, and then walking to the shopping center nearby to just hang out at starbucks and read (probably not anything fun, I really need to read my econ book so that I can just have it done, and finally be able to say for the first time in my high school career, that I have complete my social study's summer homework in June, rather than the night before it is due. I think it would be a good sign for me not getting a C in an AP history class for once).

Oh, and I realize that I have not told you yet that I got the stickers to give to Maureen Johnson (stickers and baking sounds more reasonable than a jar and baking, right?? Because I REALLY want to bake, and plus baking would also benefit the other two authors at the signing, not just her). These stickers include Spongebob (because it's a whole bunch of facial expressions, and Spongebob is awesome), Hello Kitty (because these were the only cat stickers I could find), and Star Wars (no explanation here, it's just Star Wars)

Right, this is a rather long post... Yay summer!
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Thursday, June 9, 2011

BEDiJ day 9

I am a recovering half sick person right now.

Basically, in Rachael's house, there are a lot of animals. Add this with not the cleanest of houses (Rachael seems to agree on this front, as her room is remarkably cleaner than the rest of the house), my allergies that only exist for pollen as far as I had been aware, exploded. I had a runny nose all night long and it was not pretty. I ended up rubbing my skin red right by my nose, and I have this nice red circle there. So I had my mom pick me up at about 6am when she would leave for work, and just slept for a while. I ended up digging out some allergy meds at noon, because my nose was still exploding. Lesson learned: take allergy meds before going to Rachael's house.

What else... Well I thought I was supposed to find out if I got the job by today, but now I'm thinking I misjudged that by one day, so more waiting, which is just annoying. I really just want/need to know.

Oh, but somebody whose group interview today, went much worse, I will copy the facebook status of (it is again Rachael, I do hope she doesn't mind). I'm angry at the petland people for her.
Petlands definition of a group interview: watch a cheesy video about the store. Get up and move your chair into a circle. Everyone is asked 2 questions as a whole and they don't call on you, but practically everyone else. Then they tell you to leave.
And another comment she made on that status:
[...] they have you turn in the applicatuon, then tell everyone they didn't call on to leave.

So I am mad at the petland people for her. Because, as already mentioned, she has plenty of experience with animals - It's a miniature zoo at her house - and she would do well there, and an employee discount would definitely do some good at her house.

Oh, and I am currently reading "Gimme a Call" by Sarah Mlynowski, since I have been eyeing it on amazon for a while, and she will also be signing when Maureen is signing, so I decided to finally buy it so I could have one book by her read. So far it is definitely good. I also bought "The Off Season" by Catherine Murdock, because they didn't have it at Borders when I went to buy my summer HW books, so I am definitely looking forward to that.

I like blogging everyday. It's so much better in the summer when you are actually doing things.
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

PS: Marisa, your comment made me feel better, thank you =)

PPS: Kat is at the HP theme park right now!! Ah, jealousy. She's getting me a wand (Luna Lovegood =] ) and a post card, so Kitty Kat, if you read this, THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

BEDiJ day 8

So I am sleeping over at my friend Rachael's house right now.

We ordered pizza. In order to recieve this pizza, Bree became a cowboy named Stan, Rachael was a gangsta named funk, I was an army person, and Rissa was... well I'm not quite sure. Um. Here is a picture!

Yes, the pizza man came, we were sitting on the lawn, we gave him the money. We had a frog that ribbited when ever you walked by it set out. We named it Kurt. We told the pizza guy that he upset Kurt. Also, Rachael called Rissa by her name, and so I told her that she ruined the illusion.

Yup. We also have played rock band today and other things.

And I failed my driver's test.

~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

BEDiJ day 7

We are almost there people!

Tomorrow I get my license (barring absolute failure on my part). Tomorrow or on Thursday I should find out if I got the job (which I should, unless that one question I paused on was enough to kill me), and then Monday I will apparently have to tackle Maureen Johnson in order to get a copy of Name of the Star from her (this one is barring nothing. I WILL GET THAT BOOK). So yeah.

Okay, so the job interview, was, well, different. It's a little strange to have people taking notes on you as you talk. I mean, I know that it will happen eventually when I am a teacher, but to see the words I say be written down, it's terrifying. I mean, if I was teaching a class, it would be less terrifying, and more reassuring, but when I know those words are going to be used to judge my ability to work with children >_< Also, I may have overused the phrase "and stuff like that" when answering questions. But I think I answered the questions well, and the way they wanted me to and stuff like that. So yeah.

Also! I have been on a quest to go to Walmart and gain things to give to MJ when she is here (hint*, stickers), and also supplies to make food for the making. That or I might just give some of the enormous stack of chocolates my mom brought back from Finland (by which I mean, I will give her a bar, and possibly spend time decorating the foil beforehand -possibly with stickers). With this quest, I hope that if I get my license tomorrow, I will be allowed to DRIVE there, instead of walking for 20 mins (driving there is the shortest possible drive you can make from my house, it's about 2-3 mins. You spend more time in the parking lot than you do getting there -barring a train). So yeah.

Are any of you doing Camp NaNo this year? I'm considering it, because November always ends up being a horrible time to do NaNo. However, I have things I will be doing in July just as there are things to do in November. Not as much, but still quite a bit. So yeah.

*floats away*
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

*which here means "I am about to tell you exactly what I am getting"**
**Lemoney Snicket jokes for the win!